College of Medicine

M1 students reach out to aid patient in need

As part of new curriculum, medical students are meeting patients earlier.

Mar 28, 2018

Courtney Frost is Gold U winner

Plastic surgery/neurosurgery administrator proud to be part of UNMC’s mission.

Mar 28, 2018

Courtney Frost

Open house explores augmented/virtual reality careers

Thursday’s event will showcase new EON Reality VR Innovation Academy, which will be housed at UNMC.

Mar 27, 2018

UNMC outreach offers training to school nurses

Effort was first by SIM-NE to partner with a school district.

Mar 21, 2018

Papillion La Vista school nurses practice skills in a Simulation in Motion-Nebraska truck.

Cancer journey takes turn down country road

Patient will perform country music Friday at the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Mar 21, 2018

Aging expert to deliver UNMC Harman Lecture April 6

Thomas Rando, M.D., Ph.D., will speak on restoring youthful function to old cells.

Mar 20, 2018

Match Day a family affair

This year’s medical class has an estimated 50 to 60 children.

Mar 20, 2018

From left, Kaylee and Shannon Haines, M.D. Dr. Haines matched in pediatrics at UNMC.

Improving care for rural breast cancer patients under 50

Quality improvement project will address issues specific to younger patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

Mar 20, 2018

Elizabeth Reed, M.D.

ECMO life support course draws interest

Twenty physicians attended the two-day course.

Mar 16, 2018

Fellows take part in a simulation exercise with Michael Moulton, M.D. (center left), and Tara Brakke, M.D. (center right).

Nurse/lymphoma survivor chair of Lymphoma Walk

Med center’s Tawny Roeder will take part in Nebraska’s 9th Annual Lymphoma Walk on April 21.

Mar 16, 2018

Tawny Roeder