College of Medicine

Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center marks one year

Reception for med center community set for June 14.

Jun 5, 2018

The Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center opened a year ago today.

Retirement reception set for Paul Larsen, M.D.

Campus invited to June 12 event.

Jun 5, 2018

Time out with T.O. – A one-way street no more

Four UNMC medical students made the trek to Hyderabad, India.

Jun 4, 2018

From left, Alyssa Malley, M.D., Jennifer Shehan, M.D., Apollo Stack, M.D., Ashley Janssen, M.D., and Chandra Are, M.B.B.S.

Internal medicine annual poster session growing

Event grew this year in both number of posters submitted and attendance.

Jun 1, 2018

Joel Michalski, M.D., Ph.D., right, was awarded Best Fellow Poster by Ted Mikuls, M.D.

Rural providers to receive latest neonatal training in West Point

The training will give rural providers the latest information and training on neonatal resuscitation and high-risk delivery.

Jun 1, 2018

Ann Anderson Berry, M.D., Ph.D.

Medical center among nation’s best in recognizing, treating heart attack

American College of Cardiology awards med center the 2018 Silver Performance Achievement Award for the ACTION Registry of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry.

May 31, 2018

Edward O'Leary, M.D.

Medical students present teaching awards

Golden Apple, Hirschmann recipients announced.

May 30, 2018

From left, Hirschmann Prize Awardees David McMillan, Ph.D., and Matt Devries, M.D.

Database will streamline tissue search for researchers

Inventory management system went live in April.

May 25, 2018

From left, Geoff Talmon, M.D., director of the UNMC Paraffin Tissue Bank, and Scott Campbell, Ph.D., director of infomatics for the UNMC Department of Pathology and Microbiology

Nationally known cardiologist to speak at research retreat

Registration still open for UNMC College of Medicine Research Retreat on June 1.

May 25, 2018

UNMC for the record

Dr. Azizkhan receives Walter Reed Award, CWS tickets on sale, and other news and notes from the UNMC community.

May 25, 2018

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