College of Medicine
Bladder health topic of Olson Center Brown Bag
Jennifer Cera, D.N.P., will speak at Feb. 18 event.
Feb 6, 2020

Chancellor Gold’s message to UNMC on coronavirus
Dr. Gold reminds students, faculty and staff of available resources to help keep the UNMC community healthy, safe and informed.
Feb 6, 2020

Leaders provide updates on novel coronavirus monitoring
UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., and Nebraska Medicine CEO Jim Linder, M.D., share message on national and local response to the novel coronavirus that originated in China.
Feb 6, 2020

Med Center partners with feds to monitor Americans returning from China
Individuals will be monitored 14 days at Camp Ashland, an Army National Guard facility outside of Ashland, Neb.
Feb 6, 2020

New investigator: Benson Edagwa, Ph.D.
Dr. Edagwa’s research focus is antiretroviral therapy.
Feb 6, 2020

Dr. Grant takes new admissions role at College of Medicine
Wendy Grant, M.D., named new associate dean for admissions and student affairs
Feb 6, 2020

Med Center partners with feds to monitor citizens returning from China
None showing symptoms of coronavirus; all people will be monitored during trip from China
Feb 6, 2020

Clinical Trial Registry: Ophthalmology research
UNMC investigators seek participants for an ophthalmology and visual research registry.
Feb 5, 2020

Air Force Surgeon General tours UNMC
Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg and her team toured the Global Center for Health Security and the Center for Sustainment of Trauma Readiness Skills Omaha.
Feb 4, 2020

New investigator: Gurudutt Pendyala, Ph.D.
Dr. Pendyala’s research focus is drug addiction.
Feb 4, 2020