College of Medicine

Matthew Mormino, MD, receives Wigton Award

The award is bestowed on residency program directors who demonstrate outstanding leadership and service.

Jun 24, 2021

Matthew Mormino, MD

New faculty spotlight: Brian Westerhuis, MD

Dr. Westerhuis is an assistant professor in the UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences and a neurohospitalist.

Jun 23, 2021

Brian Westerhuis, MD

Nationwide interoperability focus of June 23 webinar

Donald Rucker, MD, will moderate a panel June 23 featuring UNMC’s James McClay, MD, and John Windle, MD.

Jun 21, 2021

From left, John Windle, MD, and James McClay, MD, will take part in the panel discussion.

Northwall Plaza dedication a time for celebration

William Northwall, MD, says: ‘UNMC holds a special place in my heart.’

Jun 21, 2021

The William H. Northwall, MD, Plaza

GME names house officers of the year

Drs. Deibert, Heenan and Kovar honored by Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Jun 17, 2021

Science Cafe: Pediatric/perinatal COVID-19 research

Speakers will discuss COVID-19 vaccine development for pediatric and perinatal populations.

Jun 14, 2021

From left, Kari Simonsen, MD, and Ann Anderson Berry, MD, PhD

Dr. Carver named director of expanded UNMC ombuds program

Program is an independent, informal, impartial and confidential resource for students, faculty and staff.

Jun 11, 2021

David Carver, PhD

Speaker: ‘How and Why Should White Dudes Engage?’

Scott Porter, MD, will speak at annual orthopaedic surgery event this morning.

Jun 11, 2021

Scott Porter, MD

UNMC clinical trial evaluating new investigational drug for treatment of COVID

Eligible study participants will be randomly assigned either to the investigational treatment group or the placebo group.

Jun 11, 2021

Wellness: Normal sadness or something more?

Symptoms aid in recognizing clinical depression.

Jun 10, 2021