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College of Allied Health Professions

School of Allied Health Professions powers up for reunion

A celebration of 75th anniversary of the clinical laboratory sciences program highlights the event.

Jul 11, 2013

Chancellor candidate forum: Robert Califf, M.D.

NU president J.B. Milliken welcomes input, feedback on Dr. Califf’s visit to UNMC.

Jul 11, 2013

Robert Califf, M.D.

Peanuts, peanut products cause most severe food allergy reactions in children

Food allergies affect nearly 10 percent of children younger than 4-years-old.

Jul 5, 2013

Laura Bilek, Ph.D., takes top research post at SAHP

Dr. Bilek will become assistant dean for research development on July 1.

Jun 27, 2013

Retirement tea Thursday for Pat Leuschen, Ph.D.

Assistant dean for research development in the School of Allied Health Professions retires this month after more than 35 years on the faculty at UNMC.

Jun 26, 2013

5 things you didn’t know about your ears

Many trivia questions about the smallest bones in the human body …

Jun 11, 2013

Silver ‘U’ recipients for first half of 2013

UNMC employees receive award for outstanding service.

Jun 5, 2013

UNMC ‘Health Care Career Day’ takes place of campus tours

New event highlights programs, career options for high school students.

Jun 4, 2013

Sherman Petite

Stem cell profiteering is focus of June 11 luncheon, Science Cafe

Speaker Gary Susser worked with “60 Minutes” to expose scam stem-cell treatments.

Jun 4, 2013

Dropped it; should you eat it? The five-second rule revisited

An answer to the age-old question.

Jun 4, 2013

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