College of Allied Health Professions
Spotlight on new faculty: Jill Jensen
Assistant professor fell in love with teaching while leading a cardiac life support class.
Jul 14, 2014

Appendicitis: New Ways to Save the Game
Use of antibiotics to treat inflamed appendix promising
Jul 8, 2014

E — for excellence, effort and e-learning
First wave of e-learning or “flipped classroom” modules is unveiled at event.
Jun 30, 2014

Exploring the science of teamwork
Katherine Jones, Ph.D., examines communication and coordination in the health care setting.
Jun 11, 2014

Mind over bladder: to hold or not to hold
Be warned, reading this may cause an unavoidable urge to go to the bathroom.
Jun 5, 2014

A Day in the Life: An unusual ‘patient’
UNMC lends a hand to explore a painting’s history, a collaboration that also will be discussed at tonight’s Science Cafe.
Jun 3, 2014

Study: Healthy diet aids lung function in COPD
UNMC’s Corrine Hanson, Ph.D., is lead author on the recently presented findings.
May 29, 2014

Intersection of art, science is focus of Science Cafe
The June 3 Omaha event will explore analysis of painting using X-ray technology.
May 28, 2014

Healthy diet linked with better lung function in COPD patients
Study looked at lung function within 24 hours of eating grapefruit, bananas, fish and cheese
May 28, 2014

Virtual dissection table a first for Nebraska
New technology offers options to educators, students.
May 19, 2014