Business and Finance

Lookin’ at U: Elayne Saejung

Saejung is the director of emergency management.

Jun 27, 2019

Elayne Saejung

Flood relief: Truck with 15 pallets of supplies arrives Monday on campus

Based in Georgia, MAP serves people in need during natural disasters and those living in impoverished communities.

Apr 2, 2019

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Feb 15, 2019

From left, 2018-19 Varner Educator Laureate James O'Dell, M.D., 2017-18 Varner Educator Laureate Karen Honeycutt, Jerald Varner, Ph.D., and 2018-19 Varner Educator Laureate Paul Paulman, M.D.

Sign up for UNMC Alerts (Emergency Notification System)

System alerts users should a shooting, tornado, or other life-threatening event occur on campus.

Dec 4, 2018

UNMC Ice Rink to open Friday

Rink will remain open through Feb. 10.

Nov 27, 2018

Kraft Mann named to new business-finance role

UNMC veteran becomes assistant vice chancellor and director of budget and fiscal analysis.

Oct 15, 2018

Susan Kraft Mann

UNMC for the record

Nursing students receive UCARE grant, and other news and notes from the UNMC community.

Oct 5, 2018

From left, nursing students Meghan Caldwell, Megan Witcig, Ashli Glosser and Breanna Pekarek.

Reception set for vice chancellor Doug Ewald

Ewald is the new vice chancellor for business, finance and business development for the University of Nebraska at Omaha and UNMC.

Sep 24, 2018

Doug Ewald

Evans to lead campus security, public safety

Charlotte Evans has been named interim chief of police/director of campus security and public safety for UNMC, UNO and Nebraska Medical Center.

Aug 23, 2018

Charlotte Evans

Re-Imagining U fall registration now open

Great development opportunities for UNMC, UNO employees highlight slate of courses and presentations.

Jul 30, 2018