UNMC statistician to solo at Music as Medicine
The College of Public Health’s Robin High, a classically trained pianist, will perform tomorrow as part of the music series.
Nov 18, 2015

In the pipeline
UNMC’s three rural health education pipeline programs hosted undergraduate students.
Oct 13, 2015

Student spotlight: Meet Weiwei Zhang
Ph.D. candidate finds bioinformatics a perfect fit.
Feb 6, 2015

SPORE renewal funds four projects
Pancreatic cancer research funded for next five years.
Nov 4, 2014

Lookin’ at U – James Beaudoin
Data curator/coordinator from Holland enjoys the dry Nebraska autumn.
Sep 18, 2014

E — for excellence, effort and e-learning
First wave of e-learning or “flipped classroom” modules is unveiled at event.
Jun 30, 2014

Demand grows for bioinformatic gurus
As information technology becomes more integral to health care, need for specialists increases.
Feb 20, 2014

Farewell tea for Dr. Jim Anderson set for Thursday
Nationally recognized cancer researcher to resign faculty post in March.
Dec 16, 2013

Chancellor meets with key supporter in Shanghai
Xiaoming Shen, M.D., instrumental in helping UNMC partner with Tongji University.
Nov 8, 2013