Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Research highlights

The UNMC College of Medicine received new grant and funding awards representing $618,915 in new funding in January.

Mar 31, 2021

Kyle Hewitt, PhD

UNMC’s Pete Iwen, PhD, is a vaccination veteran

Nervous about getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Dr. Iwen has been vaccinated for smallpox five times.

Mar 16, 2021

UNMC's Sharon Medcalf administers the smallpox vaccine to Pete Iwen, PhD, as Morgan Shradar from the biocontainment unit observes.

Wasim Nasser, PhD, receives Gilmore Award

Dr. Nasser will be recognized at a March 30 ceremony.

Mar 15, 2021

Wasim Nasser, PhD

Mini-symposium on translational cognitive neuroscience research

Center is expanding to include translational studies in animal models of neurological disorders.

Mar 8, 2021

Research leadership: Maneesh Jain, PhD

Dr. Jain’s research focus is pancreatic cancer.

Feb 19, 2021

Maneesh Jain, PhD

New faculty

Nine new faculty members have joined the UNMC College of Medicine.

Feb 19, 2021

Carrie Hoarty, MD

Distinguished Scientist: R. Katherine Hyde, PhD

Dr. Hyde’s research focus is on acute myeloid leukemia.

Feb 12, 2021

R. Katherine Hyde, PhD

New investigator: Samikshan Dutta, PhD

Dr. Dutta’s research focus is prostate cancer metastasis.

Jan 25, 2021

Samikshan Dutta, PhD

Matthew Rizzo, MD, is UNMC’s 15th Scientist Laureate

Annual research awards ceremony set for Feb. 23.

Jan 19, 2021

Matthew Rizzo, MD

Research highlights

The UNMC College of Medicine received new grant and funding awards representing $6,868,743 in new funding in November.

Jan 15, 2021

Alicia Schiller, PhD