Asia Pacific Rim Development Program

Dr. Jane Meza to assume interim leadership role for global engagement

Will lead international efforts for UNMC, UNO, Nebraska Medicine

Nov 22, 2016

Jane Meza, Ph.D.

China in October, Part Three: Connections with Partners

Delegations from UNMC visit university and clinical partners in China to maintain and form new connections.

Nov 4, 2016

Michael Sitorius, M.D., chairperson for the Department of Family Medicine, participates in a patient consultation at Yangpu Hospital in Shanghai with graduates from UNMC's Family Medicine Leadership Course. (Consent for photo obtained by Yangpu Hospital staff.)

China in October, Part Two: Education

UNMC faculty extend UNMC’s mission to Asia by educating Chinese leaders in physical therapy and family medicine during symposia and workshops.

Nov 3, 2016

Leadership and Faculty from UNMC join speakers from Australia, China, and Taiwan at the First Sino-American Physical Therapy Symposium in Shanghai.

China in October, Part One: Recruitment

UNMC representatives attend International Graduate School Fair in China to recruit potential students.

Oct 26, 2016

Zenghan "Hannah" Tong, Ph.D., assistant director of the Asia Pacific Rim Development Program at UNMC, answers questions at the International Graduate School Fair.

Picnic to welcome new students and scholars

The Asia Pacific Rim Development Program and Chinese Students and Scholars Association organized a picnic to welcome new students and scholars to Omaha.

Oct 17, 2016

Chinese students and scholars at the welcome picnic. (Photo courtesy Jing Li.)

Medical Students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University Begin Rotations

Twelfth group of medical exchange students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University begins rotations at UNMC.

Oct 5, 2016

Shanghai Jiao Tong University exchange students with UNMC CSC students at the CSC and CSSA welcome picnic.

Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival at the Medical Center

Though separated from their families by thousands of miles, UNMC students and faculty found ways to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Sep 20, 2016

A mooncake. (photo by Lybil BER, Creative commons attribution-share alike 3.0 unported license)

Summer students present research in mini-symposium

Summer Research Program students discussed research at Mini-Symposium on August 25.

Sep 2, 2016

Summer Research Program participants, APRDP staff, and Ken Bayles, Ph.D., associate vice chancellor for research (center) after the Mini-Symposium.

Tongji Delegation visits UNMC

Leadership from Tongji University in Shanghai visited UNMC.

Sep 1, 2016

From the left: Brad Britigan, M.D., dean of the College of Medicine, Xiaoqing Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., Liming Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., Chancellor Jeffrey Gold, M.D., Hua Jiang, M.D., Jane Meza, Ph.D., senior associate dean of the College of Public Health, Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., dean of the College of Allied Health, Jialin Zheng, M.D., associate vice chancellor of academic affairs

Incoming CSC student profiles: Yanqiu Li

Incoming student profile of Yanqiu Li, Ph.D. student in Oral Biology.

Aug 16, 2016

Yanqiu Li, incoming CSC Ph.D. student in Oral Biology.