
Academic Affairs

UNMC ranked as top Nebraska university for job placement of graduates

Ranked No. 10 for the entire country among universities/colleges.

Jun 21, 2019

Time out with T.O. – Positively awesome

Rowen Zetterman, M.D., to retire having left his mark at UNMC.

Jun 18, 2019

Rowen Zetterman, M.D.

Medical students award teaching honors

Four educators recognized with Golden Apple Awards.

Jun 12, 2019

From left, Daniel Hershberger, M.D., and Parmender Mehta, Ph.D.

Changes enhance Spotlight on Scholarship event

Event is designed as a day of conversation, collaboration and recognition of innovative educational research and scholarship.

Jun 3, 2019

From left, Beth Beam, Ph.D., an educational researcher for the International Academy of Educators, and Dele Davies, M.D., senior vice chancellor of academic affairs, look on as Blair Kauzlarich of Children's Hospital and Medical Center, displays a 3-D printed "chest" she developed with Lincoln Wong, M.D., from the UNMC Department of Radiology.

Student learning objectives adapted from ITEACH

Institutional ITEACH values to be aligned to the Institutional Learning Objectives for students.

May 24, 2019

Gary Yee, Pharm.D., named associate vice chancellor for academic affairs

Dr. Yee will begin new role on July 1.

May 16, 2019

Gary Yee, Pharm.D.

Nebraska Fulbright chapter founded

New chapter was established April 24.

May 14, 2019

Wael ElRayes, Ph.D.

Nominations open for Impact in Education Awards

Nominations will be accepted through Aug. 30.

May 8, 2019

Inaugural Community Engagement Awards announced

‘Operation Immunization,’ Primary Care Progress recognized for work in the community.

May 7, 2019

Heidi Keeler, Ph.D., director of the office of community engagement, Megan Vandergriend , president of UNMC's chapter of American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP), Kelsie Post Operation Immunization co-chair, Emily Casey Tomes, Operation Immunization co-chair, Dele Davies, M.D., senior vice chancellor of academic affairs.

990 UNMC students to receive diplomas during commencement ceremonies

Below is a list of graduating students and their hometowns.

May 1, 2019