Kalani Simpson

Matriculation ‘the beginning of a new chapter’

UNMC Graduate Studies celebrated the arrival of more than 200 students at its annual Matriculation Ceremony Aug. 15 at Durham Research Center I auditorium. “Take a deep breath,” Graduate Student Association (GSA) president Sophia Kisling told the assembled crowd. “This marks the beginning of a new chapter in your lives.” The new students were welcomed […]

Oct 23, 2023

Graduate Student Association (GSA) president Sophia Kisling greeted new students at the matriculation ceremony welcome reception.

Aldhafiri sees clinical pharmacology as ‘a bridge’

A Graduate Studies student spotlight! Name: Wafaa Aldhafiri Hometown: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Graduate Studies program: Pharmaceutical sciences graduate program Anticipated graduation: May 2024 Advisor: DJ Murry, PharmD What do you love about your field of study? What I love about clinical pharmacology is the opportunity to serve as a bridge, linking diverse disciplines and constructing […]

Oct 23, 2023

Wafaa Aldahafiri

Alumnus addresses old teachers, future colleagues

UNMC Graduate Studies alumnus Gangadhar Sunkara, PhD, global program head at Novartis, knew how the assembled degree candidates felt at the May 5 spring honors convocation. In fact, he was feeling those feelings with them. “I’m still nervous,” Dr. Sunkara said, “because a couple of teachers who taught me are still on this podium.” But […]

Jun 26, 2023

Degree candidates at the May 5 spring honors convocation.

Grad studies faculty to facilitate peer mentorship training

A cohort of graduate studies basic-sciences faculty are being trained to facilitate a nationally recognized mentoring training program – and will then will bring it back to their graduate studies colleagues at UNMC. This training is tentatively set to begin this fall. The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) is recognized […]

Jun 26, 2023

UNMC graduate faculty were among participants at recent CIMER mentor training at the University of Wisconsin-Madision.

Dean’s message: convocation, CIMER and a wellness hub

As we continue to plan for the upcoming academic year, I want to reflect on some recent happenings in Graduate Studies. First, more than 50 students graduated in May, and it was an honor to celebrate their accomplishments at the May 5 spring honors convocation ceremony. Based on their training, I am confident our graduates […]

Jun 26, 2023

Dele Davies, MD

Making his own luck

St. Patrick Reid, PhD, is a crucial contributor to the discovery, by UNMC scientists, that the SARS-CoV-2 vir virus spreads through airborne transmission.

Mar 16, 2023

Making His Own Luck

Grad students look sharp, contribute to ‘Only in Nebraska’

The Graduate Student Association recently took up the call to action to contribute to the NU Foundation’s “Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for Our University’s Future” capital campaign with a school-spirt themed fundraiser. The GSA sold branded apparel featuring the logo celebrating 80 years of graduate studies at UNMC. Graduate students were eager to take […]

Feb 27, 2023

The GSA leadership team models 80th anniversary apparel

‘New’ graduate studies leadership offers counsel

With the first semester of the 2022-23 academic year complete, the “new” graduate studies leadership is no longer so new. But following the longtime leadership of recently retired Pam Carmines, PhD, graduate students and even faculty may still wonder who to turn to regarding various issues. To that end, Kendra Schmid, PhD, executive associate dean for […]

Feb 27, 2023

Kendra Schmid, PhD

Writing boot camps expanded to master’s students

Workshops now work toward dissertations and theses

Feb 27, 2023

Sarah Truong is congratulated by Karen Gould, PhD, and Dele Davies, MD, upon completion of the thesis boot camp.

Office, graduate faculty working for our students

We’re only two months into the semester, but we already have several noteworthy happenings. First, our office is working to strengthen connections between current graduate students and alumni. I would like to thank all the students who attended a recent Graduate Studies Networking Night with our distinguished alumni. Feedback from all involved showed that they […]

Feb 27, 2023

Dele Davies, MD
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