Chuck Brown

Regents briefed on implications of ACA, Medicaid expansion

The regents hear about an important funding stream that will be cut off by the Affordable Care Act and about other streams that may open if Medicaid is expanded in Nebraska.

Sep 18, 2012

Surviving a heart attack — Cecil’s story

It’s hard to think of someone who had a massive heart attack as “lucky.” But Cecil Carroll is a very lucky man. Watch a video to learn about the innovative procedure UNMC physicians used to save Carroll’s life.

Sep 18, 2012

‘Americans in Uniform’ the focus of today’s Durham lecture

Learn about the Durham Museum’s latest exhibit, “Worn with Pride: Americans in Uniform,” during a discussion today with the museum’s former Executive Director Leo Smith — a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutentant General.

Sep 18, 2012

Weekly eTip — Excel pivot tables

Have a large Excel spreadsheet with hundreds of rows of data that you need to analyze and summarize quickly and yet you aren’t familiar with Access? Don’t panic, here’s a tip that can help you and allow you to remain in Excel.

Sep 18, 2012

A cafeteria update

A new phase of construction recently got underway in the campus dining areas. Read about some of the highlights of these renovations.

Sep 17, 2012

Live United 2012 – 41 percent participation was better, but was it impressive?

Not everyone was impressed with our 8 percentage point increase in participation in last year’s United Way drive.

Sep 17, 2012

Get brushed up on your Constitutional history

A bit of history on Constitution Day.

Sep 17, 2012

New faculty invited to Wednesday’s orientation session

Learn more about Wednesday’s new faculty orientation session.

Sep 17, 2012

‘Americans in Uniform’ the focus of Durham Noon Lecture

Read about Tuesday’s Durham Museum presentation on the UNMC campus.

Sep 14, 2012

UNMC LiveGreen — Take sustainability survey, possibly win gift certificate

Take a brief and anonymous survey that will help with the development of a UNMC sustainability master plan.

Sep 14, 2012