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Chuck Brown

UNMC students study tropical medicine in Belize

On Aug. 6, Keith Brown, M.D., and 11 UNMC students in his Wilderness and Tropical Medicine course departed for Belize for two-weeks of hands-on medical experience. Dr. Brown is a family practice physician in Gordon, Neb., and an adjunct assistant professor at UNMC.

Oct 22, 2002

UNMC receives $1 million for research on chemical warfare agents

The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded UNMC $1 million to conduct research targeted toward lessening the harmful effects of chemical warfare agents.

Oct 17, 2002

Educators share distance education learnings

The UNMC Health Systems Nurse Specialist (HSNS) graduate program recently sponsored a two-day national conference titled: “Distance Education: From Reality to Quality.” The Sept. 27-28 conference showcased innovative teaching and evaluation practices used by the College of Nursing faculty.

Oct 14, 2002

College of Dentistry hosts President’s Advisory Council

The UNMC College of Dentistry in Lincoln hosted Friday’s meeting of the University of Nebraska President’s Advisory Council.

Oct 7, 2002

Nebraska florists to raise money for cancer research

Nebraska florists will take aim on cancer in October through the fourth annual Bouquet of Hope program which supports cancer research at the UNMC’s Eppley Cancer Center.

A total of 18 florists in eight Nebraska communities are participating in this year’s program, which is sponsored by the Friends of the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center, a 15-member community based group committed to raising funds for cancer research.

Oct 2, 2002

Dealing with the death of a dream

Carl Greiner, M.D., a UNMC professor, psychiatrist and expert on grief, says many Americans who are watching their net worth drop as a result of the declining stock market are going through the same stages that a person goes through when dealing with grief.

Sep 25, 2002

A profile of UNMC’s first-year dental, dental hygiene students

UNMC’s first-year dental and dental hygiene students include a former airline flight attendant, a former Kansas State basketball player and a former quarterback at the University of Northern Colorado.

Sep 23, 2002

Diagnosing depression in teens

How can you tell if your teen is just anxious about returning to school or genuinely depressed? Chris Kratochvil, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry at UNMC and an expert in teen depression, explains.

Sep 19, 2002

90 percent of campus trash can be recycled

Nearly 90 percent of the trash generated on the UNMC/NHS campus can be recycled. Employees can assist in the recycling efforts and help divert loads of material from the local dump just by taking the extra step to drop recyclable items in the recycling bins.

Sep 19, 2002

Dr. Hemstreet named Malashock Chair of urologic surgery

A leading expert in bladder and prostate cancer, George Hemstreet III, M.D., Ph.D., has been named the Malashock Chair in urologic surgery, chief of the section of urologic surgery and professor of surgery.

Sep 16, 2002