Chuck Brown

White coat, pinning ceremonies mark milestone

Last month, UNMC’s newest students participated in a rite of passage that marks the beginning of their health care careers.

Sep 19, 2005

Maurers honored by Chabad of Nebraska

Making the community better has been a team effort for UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and his wife, Beverly. Team Maurer was in the spotlight once again Wednesday night as the Maurers were honored by Chabad of Nebraska for all they have done during their 12 years in Nebraska.

Sep 19, 2005

Health Professions Tracking Center lands contract

The UNMC Health Professions Tracking Center, a unique service for tracking health professionals, will seek approval of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents today to start providing its services to the Wyoming Health Care Commission. The one-year contract would be renewable on an annual basis.

Sep 16, 2005

Mom reflects on summer of miracles

Every Friday night, Belinda Soneson makes the trip from Elba, Neb., to Omaha. But she doesn’t mind — she’s going to see her “little miracle man,” Trevor. The 3-hour drive gives Belinda and her husband time to reflect on the past few months and how lucky they are.

Sep 9, 2005

Gulf Coast connections – answering the call

UNMC’s Tara Kuipers is scheduled to fly to Montgomery, Ala., today where she most likely will spend one week in a shelter for people affected by the hurricane. From there, she may be sent near Mobile, Ala., or another area in the Gulf.

Sep 8, 2005

Cycling to work? Team Kaos offers commuting tips

As gasoline prices continue to rise, the Team Kaos Cycling Club is helping people who are turning to bicycling for their commute to work or school. The club, which is sponsored by The Nebraska Medical Center, the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and University Medical Associates, is providing tips on how to start commuting by bike on its Web site,

Sep 7, 2005

Dr. Linder named associate vice chancellor for research

James Linder, M.D., a key administrator and faculty member at UNMC for nearly 20 years, is returning to Nebraska as associate vice chancellor for research with the goal of boosting UNMC’s clinical research enterprise to a record level.

Sep 6, 2005

Employees with Gulf Coast connections express concern

Until July, when Marshall Longwell, M.D., took a job as an emergency room physician and faculty member at UNMC, he had spent the past eight years of his life in New Orleans in medical school and residency training. With family in Baton Rouge, and friends and colleagues in New Orleans, he can only stand by and watch in shock.

Sep 2, 2005

Nursing hires assistant dean for administration

Pam Bataillon, a graduate of the UNMC College of Nursing’s master’s degree in community health, has accepted the position of assistant dean of administration in the College of Nursing.

Sep 1, 2005

Maurers to be honored for their work in community

Since coming to Omaha in 1993, Harold M. and Beverly Maurer have made community outreach one of their top priorities. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed. On Sept. 14, the couple will be honored in a special recognition dinner by the Chabad of Nebraska.

Aug 31, 2005