Chuck Brown

Compromise bill is highlight of legislative session

One of the major accomplishments of the 2008 session of the Nebraska Legislature was the passage of LB 606, a compromise bill pertaining to the human embryonic stem cell research being done at UNMC as well as the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).

May 8, 2008

Legislative session is productive for UNMC

Short, but productive. That would summarize this year’s second session of the 100th Nebraska Legislature.

May 7, 2008

A Healthy U reminder

This is a reminder that employees who have Blue Cross Blue Shield medical insurance through UNMC or UNMC Physicians now have access to a beefed-up wellness benefit that annually cover $250 in physicals and lab tests without deductibles and co-pays.

May 5, 2008

A send off from the senator

U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel spoke yesterday at the College of Medicine’s Honors Convocation and Hooding Ceremony, which featured the UNMC’s 2008 class of medical students taking their physician’s oaths.

May 2, 2008

Ceremony recognizes anatomical gift donors

During a ceremony on Friday, first-year physician assistant, physical therapy and medical students honored 104 people who donated their bodies to be used for research and training at UNMC.

May 1, 2008

UNMC employees invited to community forum on affirmative action

A national debate on affirmative action will take center stage in Omaha this week and UNMC employees are invited to a Thursday seminar on the topic.

Apr 30, 2008

UNMC physicians to present original works at May 10 reading

Four UNMC physicians who have taken part in a creative writing workshop on campus over the past few months will present some of their work on Saturday, May 10 during a reading in Omaha.

Apr 29, 2008

‘Statewide’ department receives U-wide teaching award

UNMC’s status as a “500-mile wide campus” truly comes to life in the department of family medicine.

Apr 28, 2008

Better hearing tests the focus of monthly CTR seminar

Improved methods for diagnosing hearing loss and middle ear problems will be the topic of the monthly clinical and translational research (CTR) seminar on Monday at noon in the Durham Research Center, Room 1005.

Apr 25, 2008

Dr. Neumeister earns Outstanding Teaching Award

Take a negative and turn it into a positive. That’s the task the UNMC College of Medicine faced three years ago after the sudden death of legendary educator LeeRoy Meyer, M.D. One of the faculty members who answered the call was Scott Neumeister, M.D.

Apr 23, 2008