Chuck Brown
Dr. Zheng’s laboratory receives $1.8 million NIH grant
The National Institutes of Health recently awarded the laboratory of UNMC’s Jialin Zheng, M.D., a $1.8 million RO1 grant to study how neural repair processes are inhibited in patients who suffer from HIV-1 associated dementia.
Sep 30, 2008
Rural rotation poster contest winners take home $250 each
Fourth-year medical students Christelle Iboudo and Lindsay Northam each received $250 for poster presentations they created after serving rural rotations as third-year medical students.
Sep 29, 2008
Friday Husker Pick’em — Virginia Tech
Our panel members are all 3-0. So are the Cornhuskers. But now it starts to get tricky.
Sep 26, 2008
Cattlemen’s Ball raises record amount of $796,000
The 2008 Cattlemen’s Ball was one for the record books. A sellout crowd of nearly 4,000 people gathered at the Niewohner Cattle Company near Albion, Neb., for this year’s ball on June 6-7. They raised a record $796,000, of which about $700,000 went to the Eppley Cancer Center.
Sep 26, 2008
Writer stumps for mental health reform
Pete Earley is on a mission to try to improve mental health care in the United States.
Sep 26, 2008
Center for Reducing Health Disparities host summer interns
For many students, summer means a break from school work. But, a group of north Omaha high school students decided to spend this past summer at UNMC.
Sep 25, 2008
Thursday and Friday events to showcase Bennett Hall, SAHP
The spotlight will shine on the “new” Bennett Hall during separate events held today and Friday in the newly renovated building.
Sep 25, 2008
Dr. Michaud awarded Arthritis Foundation New Investigator Grant
Physicist Kaleb Michaud, Ph.D., wants to know if total joint replacements are effective at reducing pain for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.
Sep 24, 2008
Wellness Wednesday — The Olson Wellness Exchange
The Olson Center for Women’s Health at UNMC now offers the Olson Wellness Exchange (O.W.E.) — a partnership that brings the center together with health-focused organizations within the Omaha community to offer health and wellness benefits especially for women.
Sep 24, 2008
SHARING to host national conference on student-run clinics
UNMC and the SHARING Clinics will host a conference in late March to start a national discussion on the topic of student-run health care clinics.
Sep 23, 2008