Chuck Brown
UNMC raises nearly $10,000 at Night of a Thousand Stars party
Nearly $10,000 was raised this year at UNMC’s “Night of a Thousand Stars” party held at Pauli’s Blueroom on Dec. 6. The event was attended by 115 people with proceeds going toward the Nebraska AIDS Project.
Dec 9, 2008
Clinical trials office lauded as West Nile study wraps up
Mark Rupp, infectious diseases specialist at UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center, recently praised the hospital’s Clinical Trials Office for its efforts during a four-year study of West Nile Virus.
Dec 8, 2008
Campus events center available for university use
The Truhlsen Campus Events Center is now available for use for university functions, as well as events for UNMC Physicians and The Nebraska Medical Center.
Dec 8, 2008
UNeMed and UNO announce collaborative grant program
UNeMed Corporation, the technology licensing arm for UNMC, and the University of Nebraska at Omaha College of Information Science and Technology have established a joint grant program for researchers, students and staff.
Dec 5, 2008
Tips to help ensure a secure campus
Many of us have found ourselves in a potentially unsafe situation on campus from time to time. You may have come in early or stayed late when the parking lots are nearly empty and it is dark.
Dec 5, 2008
UNMC Off the Clock – nursing student moonlights as a songbird
It doesn’t take much imagination to envision first-year nursing student Katrina Schultz and her fellow members of the Omaha group, 3-2-1, on MTV or in front of thousands of screaming fans.
Dec 5, 2008
Dr. Zetterman named dean of Creighton medical school
Rowen Zetterman, M.D., professor of internal medicine and the associate dean for veterans affairs at UNMC and Creighton University, has been named dean of the Creighton University School of Medicine.
Dec 5, 2008
Sara Pirtle co-authors guidebook on global health
They say the world is getting smaller and for Sara Pirtle that is true in more ways than one.
Dec 4, 2008
This gnome loves UNMC, do you?
You want to know how much I love UNMC? So much so that I’d dress up like a gnome and let my good friend Andrew Nelson manipulate my image in such a way that video now exists of a one-foot tall version of me professing my love for UNMC from the top of a water cooler.
Dec 2, 2008
Dr. Carlson co-writes book on minimally invasive surgery
A new book on minimally invasive surgery by UNMC’s Mark Carlson, M.D, is likely the first full-length operative atlas to include video on how to perform each of the procedures described in the text.
Dec 1, 2008