Chuck Brown

Wellness Wednesday — Resolve saluted

If you have a steel-trap memory, you may recall that in early 2008, UNMC Today asked members of the community to submit their New Year’s Resolutions for publication as sort of a manipulative ploy to get people to stick to their goals.

Jan 14, 2009

New PT students put on white coats

Forty-two first-year physical therapy (PT) education students donned white coats on Friday, marking one of their symbolic first steps into the profession.

Jan 14, 2009

UNMC administrator loses son in car accident

Funeral services were held last week in Walnut, Iowa, for Logan Blum, 20, son of Rick Blum, longtime administrator in the UNMC OB/GYN department.

Jan 14, 2009

UNMC invited to special presentation on painting conservation

You’ve read about them in the news, now come see them for yourself! Watch and learn as painting conservators clean more than 70 years of dirt and grime off historic murals at the Durham Museum.

Jan 14, 2009

Looking out for research subjects

Chris Rodenborg is 18 years-old and lives in Bloomfield, Neb., with his parents and two brothers.

Jan 13, 2009

Latest edition of Discover now available online

UNMC researchers have developed a special mouthwash that may help prevent bone loss in the jaw and an orthpaedic implant coating inspired by the lotus leaf and cubic zirconia.

Jan 13, 2009

McGoogan to house campus computer training center

The student computer cluster on the eighth floor of the McGoogan Library of Medicine has been reconfigured and will soon serve as the main computer training center for library staff and UNMC Information Technology Services (ITS).

Jan 12, 2009

A tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. — Part 1 of 5

“I have a dream that one day …” For many of us, those words seem so familiar but I can still remember what it was like the first time I heard them.

Jan 12, 2009

I Love UNMC — New Year’s resolution

How submitting a video to the I Love UNMC video campaign can help you with those New Year’s Resolutions.

Jan 12, 2009

I Love UNMC — Gotta like those odds

The odds of winning during Wednesday’s I Love UNMC prize drawing are good for those who participate in the video campaign.

Jan 9, 2009