Chuck Brown
Freedom celebration culminates year long diversity series
Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine it could take six months for news to reach another part of the country. With cell phones, twitter, e-mail and instant messages, we are connected (or overloaded) with information.
Jul 6, 2009
SMDEP goal: increase the number of health care providers
The facts say it all. Patients who live in rural Nebraska communities must, at times, travel hours to Omaha for treatment. Despite the widely reported boom in the Hispanic population, only 2.8 percent of the U.S. health care providers are Hispanic. American Indians make up .3 percent. Blacks represent just 3.5 percent of health care professionals, a number that hasn’t changed much since 1950.
Jul 6, 2009
UNMC helps find new genetic risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis
UNMC researchers are part of a nationwide consortium that has identified a new risk factor gene for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) — a crippling disorder that affects about 1 percent of the U.S. population.
Jun 30, 2009
‘CSI Omaha’ the focus of July 7 Science Cafe
The popular CBS show, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” trails the investigations of a team of Las Vegas forensic scientists as they uncover the circumstances behind mysterious deaths and other crimes.
Jun 30, 2009
Radiation Science Technology to hold first-ever alumni reunion
It started with a simple idea – let’s have a party. From there, it has mushroomed into a full-blown reunion July 17-18 for graduates of the UNMC Radiation Science Technology Education program.
Jun 30, 2009
Online toolkit helps UNMC comply with NIH public access policy
A “online toolkit” on the McGoogan Library of Medicine Web site will help investigators who must submit publication-accepted manuscripts to PubMed Central.
Jun 29, 2009
Think Green – food services works to increase sustainability
Food and Nutrition Services at The Nebraska Medical Center has recently implemented several measures to help its operation become more sustainable and environmentally sound.
Jun 26, 2009
UNMC offers new molecular test for colon cancer treatment
Physicians at UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center now use a new test that will revolutionize treatment for colon cancer.
Jun 25, 2009
Employees honored for tenures and service to UNMC
In 1969, man first walked on the moon, more than 400,000 people gathered in upstate New York for Woodstock, Richard Nixon was sworn in as president and five current UNMC employees began their employment at the medical center.
Jun 25, 2009
DRC receives new display, researchers honored
The accomplishments of UNMC researchers are now acknowledged on new plaques displayed on the ground floor of the Durham Research Center.
Jun 24, 2009