Chuck Brown

If that’s the boot, how big is the cowboy?

If one was to go after cancer with a boot, this may be the one to use.

May 21, 2010

Investigators urged to contribute to clinical trials database

Medical center investigators are urged to list their clinical trials in UNMC’s new Clinical Trials Database.

May 20, 2010

UNMC to form ‘Healthcare Innovation Zone’

Regarding health care reform, perhaps UNMC’s John Adams, Ph.D., said it best. “Providers will have to do business differently,” said the assistant vice chancellor for budget and planning. “It’s not going to be business as usual.”

May 20, 2010

First High School Alliance class selected

One’s best friend died of a brain tumor at the age of eight. Another came to the U.S. from Kathmandu just one and a half years ago. All of the 36 high school students who compose the first class of the UNMC High School Alliance have compelling reasons for pursuing health care careers.

May 14, 2010

UNMC Off the Clock – Jocelyn Jones rolls with the punches

When UNMC research technologist Jocelyn Jones doesn’t have her eyes glued to a microscope, she might be withstanding punches and pushes or doling out some punishment of her own as a member of the Omaha Roller Girls roller derby team.

May 14, 2010

UNMC for the record

A list of recent achievements, activities and happenings involving UNMC staff, faculty and students.

May 14, 2010

Used textbooks, medical, dental equipment needed for Zambian school

Used medical and dental textbooks and equipment such as microscopes and stethoscopes are being collected to send to a new medical school in northern Zambia.

May 13, 2010

Largest class of NU PATHS students graduate from UNMC

This year, UNMC graduated nine students from the Nebraska University Pre-Admission to Health Science (NU PATHS) program — the largest class since the program began in 2001.

May 12, 2010

Wellness Wednesday – Stroke awareness walk set for May 22

Unfortunately, it bears repeating. Heart disease and stroke are two of the top causes of death in the U.S. and right here in Omaha.

May 12, 2010

Volunteers sought for transplant reunion

Volunteers are needed for the 2010 Solid Organ Transplant Reunion, which will be held July 17 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center.

May 11, 2010