Chuck Brown

UNMC for the record

See which graduate student will compete for in the Miss Nebraska pageant this weekend and read about UNMC hosting an international conference on gram-positive pathogens such as staph.

Oct 22, 2010

Friday Husker Pick’em – Oklahoma State

The panelists talk Huskers and Cowboys.

Oct 22, 2010

Nelson: Liquid bandage project worthy of earmark support

Earmark funds to support the development of a liquid bandage that could save soldiers on the battlefield is money well spent, U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson said during a UNMC Delegates event on Thursday.

Oct 22, 2010

Live United 2010 – Participation Hour starts at 8 a.m.

If you haven’t already participated in the United Way drawing, do so today between 8 and 9 a.m. and let’s see how much we can move our participation stats!

Oct 20, 2010

Get ‘nerdy’ at Oct. 25 UNMC LINK event

You are invited to a noon UNMC LINK presentation on Monday, Oct. 25 to hear Wendy Townley, UNO Assistant Director of Media Relations and “Nerdy Thirty” author, talk about her new book and how she used social media to market it.

Oct 20, 2010

NU Foundation celebrates second best fundraising year

LINCOLN — Gifts to the Campaign for Nebraska: Unlimited Possibilities, the University of Nebraska’s comprehensive fundraising initiative, have reached $844 million toward the goal of raising $1.2 billion by 2014.

Oct 19, 2010

Learn football’s X’s and O’s at Oct. 27 Durham Museum event

In celebration of the exhibition, 100 Yards of Glory at The Durham Museum, University of Nebraska at Omaha assistant head coach, Brad McCaslin, will give a brief “coaching clinic” on the basics of football during a Wednesday, Oct. 27 lecture at UNMC.

Oct 18, 2010

Friday Husker Pick’em – Texas

Heisman trophy winner Eric Crouch joins our panelists in picking Saturday’s Nebraska-Texas game.

Oct 15, 2010

Delegate issues — Sen. Nelson to speak at campus event

Did you know the medical center has a grassroots advocacy program called UNMC Delegates that allows people to advocate on behalf of UNMC? U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson will speak at the group’s Oct. 21 event on campus.

Oct 15, 2010

Knock knockin’ away at the nurse shortage

Ruth Scott loves knock-knock jokes. She dropped this one on the crowd that gathered Wednesday for the opening of the Center for Nursing Science on the UNMC campus. …

Oct 14, 2010

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