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Chuck Brown

Employee efforts, new technology lead to campus savings during heat wave

The cooperation of employees and enhanced cooling technology on campus allowed the campus to manage lower levels of energy during the recent heat wave than were needed last year.

Jul 22, 2011

Speakers needed for State Fair Science Cafes

Speakers are sought present at a series of Science Cafes that will take place at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island in late August.

Jul 22, 2011

Nominations sought for J.G. Elliott Award

UNMC seeks nominations for the 2012 J.G. (Jack) Elliott Award.

Jul 20, 2011

OUCH Pager expanded to include all biologic exposures

Previously limited to bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, Hepatitis B or C, the OUCH Pager program has been expanded to include exposure to any biological agent to better protect employees and students of UNMC, The Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC Physicians.

Jul 19, 2011

Dr. Cowan seeks contributors risk factors database

To date all of the data collected in the Great Plains Health Informatics Database and Biospecimen Bank has come from people with cancers. Now data from people who have no history of cancer is sought.

Jul 18, 2011

Benefit ‘U’ in focus — 10 percent off at CRAVE

From Sunday through Thursday each week in 2011, UNMC employees get a 10 percent discount at CRAVE — the midtown eatery at 200 S. 31st Ave.

Jul 18, 2011

Reminder – Keep the heat off the cooling system

It’ll be hot again today and as such, employees are reminded to help keep the load off the campus cooling system.

Jul 18, 2011

Update your directory information

Employees are asked to update information for the enhanced web directory that can be found at http://d.unmc.edu/.

Jul 18, 2011

Last day to renew parking

Today is the last day employees can renew their parking.

Jul 15, 2011

College of Public Health launches electronic newsletter

What you should know about flood safety, preparedness and cleanup is outlined in stories featured in the College of Public Health’s new electronic newsletter, GroundBreaker.

Jul 15, 2011