Chuck Brown
UNL student thankful for UNMC lymphoma expertise
Read about a University of Nebraska-Lincoln student who will have a happy Thanksgiving thanks to the work of some UNMC physicians.
Nov 23, 2011

Don’t wait until the last day to enroll for NUFlex, take the HRA
Employees are urged to enroll for NUFlex and take the Wellstream Health Risk Assessment now to give themselves time to have questions and concerns addressed by UNMC benefits specialists.
Nov 23, 2011
The Husker Hombre vs. The Big Ten – Iowa
The Husker Hombre and David Crouse, Ph.D., interim vice chancellor for academic affairs, pick the Nebraska-Iowa match up.
Nov 23, 2011
‘Thousand Stars’ party among the public events calendar offerings
Among the events on the UNMC Public Events calendar is the Night of a Thousand Stars on Dec. 3
Nov 23, 2011
Adopt-a-Family this holiday season
This holiday season, UNMC and its Adopt-A-School partner, Monroe Middle School, will again work together to spread some holiday cheer to families in our community.
Nov 23, 2011
Wednesday last day for PA nut sale
The Physician Assistant program’s annual nut sale wraps up Wednesday.
Nov 22, 2011
One recent afternoon in the Motion Analysis Lab at the Munroe-Meyer Institute, Brad Corr and 13-year-old Guin played catch with a basketball and chatted about American Idol, a Chicago trip and puppets.
Nov 22, 2011

TIAA/CREF, Fidelity reps to be on campus
See upcoming dates for individual retirement counseling with TIAA/CREF and Fidelity Investments representatives.
Nov 22, 2011
Employees sought for One Chart credentialed trainer roles, apply by Thursday
As implementation continues for One Chart — the electronic health record system that will be used at The Nebraska Medical Center and in UNMC Physicians Clinics — employees are sought to serve as credentialed trainers.
Nov 21, 2011