Chuck Brown
Spirit Week scavenger hunt — Find campus treasures, win prizes!
“Rock, Paper, Scissors — Shoot! One of the newest sculptures on campus.” That’s a clue for next week’s Spirit Week Scavenger Hunt. Read more about the Scavenger Hunt!
Dec 1, 2011

Two days left to enroll for NUFlex, take HRA
Employees have until Friday at 5 p.m. to enroll for NU Flex and to take the Wellstream Health Risk Assessment.
Dec 1, 2011
This week, we learn more about Ken Hill, a help desk analyst in Information Technology Services (ITS).
Dec 1, 2011

Emile Bend complete, work continues near circle drive, eye institute
The new section of Emile Street from 41st Street to Jones Street is now open and drivers again have full access to Parking Lots No. 15 and No. 21.
Dec 1, 2011

Opera singer to perform today in the DRC commons
Campus opera fans are encouraged to head to the Durham Research Center Maurer Commons today to enjoy the singing of baritone Levi Hernandez.
Dec 1, 2011

Holiday campus closing information
UNMC will be closed Monday, Dec. 26 and Monday, Jan. 2 in recognition of the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays, which both fall on Sunday this holiday season.
Nov 30, 2011
Wellness Wednesday – Learn about the F.A.S.T. diet on Dec. 7
A F.A.S.T. Diet seminar will held Wednesday, Dec. 7 in Bennett Hall, Room 2020 from 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.
Nov 30, 2011
Card access only to Sorrell Center north doors after 4 p.m.
From now through Feb. 28, when the skating season ends at the UNMC ice rink, the north entrances of the Sorrell Center can only be opened with card access after 4 p.m. on weekdays.
Nov 30, 2011
Dr. Britigan part of landmark antibiotic resistance study
College of Medicine Dean Bradley Britigan, M.D., was an author on a landmark study that has determined why bacteria are antibiotic resistant and how disrupting key bacterial functions could lead to more effective antibiotics.
Nov 30, 2011

Three days left to enroll for NUFlex, take HRA
Employees have until Friday at 5 p.m. to enroll for NU Flex and to take the Wellstream Health Risk Assessment.
Nov 30, 2011