UNMC Today

UNMC College of Nursing researchers find ways to improve sleep during breast cancer treatment

For most women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, fatigue affects the ability to be the kind of wife, mother and employee they want to be. Some women are so affected by fatigue during therapy that they decide to end cancer treatment. “We know how to treat the pain and nausea of cancer treatment, but fatigue […]

Dec 18, 2008

UNMC takes steps to improve science literacy in Nebraska

The U.S. Department of Education released a report earlier this year that showed science literacy levels among American students were lower than they are among students in many other countries. Meanwhile, science and technology continue to take on larger roles in the lives of all Americans. And on the horizon looms an aging population that […]

Dec 17, 2008

365 UNMC students to receive diplomas this week during commencement ceremonies

Diplomas will be conferred on 365 University of Nebraska Medical Center students during ceremonies this week in Kearney, Lincoln, Omaha and Scottsbluff. In Omaha, a ceremony will be held Friday, Dec. 19, at 2 p.m., at the Witherspoon Concert Hall in the Joslyn Art Museum, for students graduating from the School of Allied Health Professions, […]

Dec 15, 2008

Public invited to Dec. 18 Pfizer speech on drug development

  UNeMed, the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s technology licensing arm, is hosting a talk Dec. 18 on drug development featuring Christine Smith, a vice president of Pfizer, Inc.   The talk, which is geared towards researchers and health professionals, also is open to those in the public interested in learning about Pfizer’s drug development […]

Dec 15, 2008

Prostate cancer prevention study shows no benefit from selenium and vitamin E supplements

Data from the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT), funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and carried out by the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) at more than 400 sites in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada, show that selenium and vitamin E supplements, taken either alone or together, did not prevent […]

Dec 12, 2008

UNMC apathy study funded by Alzheimer’s Association

Prasad Padala, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and a staff psychiatrist at the VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, has received a New Investigator Research Grant from the Alzheimer’s Association, the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support and research.  The two-year $98,690 grant that begins Jan. […]

Dec 9, 2008

Griswold woman helps meet caffeine needs at UNMC

Weekdays start at 4:15 a.m. for Nicole Johnson, the lead barista at the coffee cart near the gift shop on the second floor of the Durham Outpatient Center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. That’s when Johnson wakes up and gets ready for her day at the medical center, which is about a 45-minute […]

Dec 9, 2008

Craig Morgan to perform as Central Nebraska hosts 2009 Cattlemen’s Ball

Doniphan, Neb. — Country singer Craig Morgan, who performs fan-favorites “Red Neck Yacht Club” and “International Harvester,” and whose single “Love Remembers” has spent the last several months on the country radio charts is slated as the spotlight entertainment for the 11th annual Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska, June 5-6, near Doniphan. The Cattlemen’s Ball will […]

Dec 5, 2008

UNMC international studies coordinator co-authors guidebook on global health

Sara Pirtle, coordinator of the University of Nebraraka Medical Center’s International Studies and Programs, has co-authored a book considered to be the first comprehensive resource for health care providers interested in improving the lives of people around the world. The book, "Caring for the World: A Guidebook to Global Health Opportunities," is being printed by […]

Dec 5, 2008

Got a cold or flu? UNMC researcher says try chicken soup to ease symptoms

To see a short, feature video about the chicken soup research story, go to www.unmc.edu/chickensoup   Though University of Nebraska Medical Center physician and researcher Stephen Rennard, M.D., is recognized around the world for his expertise in lung disease, it’s his chicken soup scientific research study that has gained the most attention.   Dr. Rennard […]

Dec 4, 2008

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