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UNMC Today

Gov. Johanns unveils plan for excellence in behavioral health

  Gov. Mike Johanns and State Sen. Jim Jensen today announced the details of a plan developed by Nebraskas two academic health science centers on how they might help the state improve its behavioral health services. The University of Nebraska Medical Center and Creighton University submitted the plan at the request of Gov. Johanns and […]

Dec 15, 2003

UNMC to conduct national clinical study to determine best time during treatment to introduce breast cancer vaccine

The University of Nebraska Medical Center has received a two-year, $500,000 grant to conduct a clinical breast cancer study to test the safety and effectiveness of a vaccine in combination with surgery and chemotherapy. The funding was awarded by Avon and the U.S. National Cancer Institute Progress for Patients Program. UNMC researchers expect to begin […]

Dec 5, 2003

World AIDS Day annual call to arms against global disease

The numbers are mind-boggling — 21.8 million people have died from AIDS since the disease was first identified in 1980. Today, in recognition of World AIDS Day, the world pauses to reflect on the scope of the disease and its human cost, as well as to honor the on-going heroic struggles waged to stem the tide.

Dec 1, 2003

Eighth-graders invited to compete in 12th UNMC Health/Science Meet regional competitions across state

Nebraska eighth-graders are invited to compete in the University of Nebraska Medical Centers regional Health/Science Meet competition, which will be held at seven locations across Nebraska: Ainsworth; Grand Island; Lincoln; North Platte; Norfolk; Omaha; and Scottsbluff. In order to compete in the regional competition, students should contact their science teachers in January. Deadline for registration […]

Nov 25, 2003

UNMC College of Nursing receives $580,000 federal grant to expand access of master’s degree to nurses across Nebraska

The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing has received a two-year, $580,000 continuation grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to recruit more rural nurses into a masters degree that prepares nurses as leaders. The grant makes it possible for more nurses in Nebraska to earn a masters degree at […]

Nov 24, 2003

UNMC Community Academy student named national scholar

Shabazz Ramsey, a senior at Omaha Central High School, and a four-year member of UNMC’s Community Academy program, was selected last month for membership in the National Society of High School Scholars.

Nov 19, 2003

Dedication ceremony marks Durham Research Center opening

The University of Nebraska Medical Center opened the doors today to a 10-level, state-of-the-art research building. The $77 million Durham Research Center, built almost exclusively with private funds, held its dedication ceremony today at UNMC. A public open house is scheduled for between 1 and 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 16. This research center will […]

Nov 13, 2003

Creighton UNMC receieve national community service award

For their significant contributions to local and statewide communities, Omahas two academic medical centers have been awarded the prestigious Outstanding Community Service Award for 2003 from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).  Creighton University Medical Center and the University of Nebraska Medical Center were recognized by the AAMC for their outstanding efforts in meeting […]

Nov 9, 2003

Durham Research Center dedication set for Nov. 13

The University of Nebraska Medical Center will open the doors soon to a 10-level, state-of-the-art research building. The $77 million Durham Research Center, built almost exclusively with private funds, will hold its dedication ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 13. A public open house is scheduled for between 1 and 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 16. This […]

Nov 6, 2003

Newsham family establishes memorial gift for UNMC diabetes research

The Roberta J. Newsham Memorial Diabetes Research Fund has been established to support diabetes research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Medicine. The Newsham family created the fund through a family gift and memorial donations creating a $10,000 endowment at the University of Nebraska Foundation. Roberta Bobbie Newsham of Ashland died in […]

Nov 6, 2003