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UNMC Today

UNMC researcher gains funding to study promising nicotine vaccine

Sam Sanderson, Ph.D., knows all about serendipity. A University of Nebraska Medical Center biochemist, Dr. Sanderson was conducting some experiments several years ago to determine how certain tiny molecules called peptides interact with the immune system. One peptide surprisingly jumped out at him in the experiments. It caught my attention right away, said Dr. Sanderson, […]

Mar 22, 2004

UNMC hosted Druid Hill Academy students

The UNMC Youth Learning Center hosted an all-day workshop on March 4 for 45 students, grades 3-6, from North Omaha’s Druid Hill Academy. The event was co-sponsored by the Heartland Red Cross in observance of National American Red Cross Awareness Month.

Mar 19, 2004

Black History Month events remembered

Here, UNMC Today takes a look back at last month’s Black History Month activities, which included the historical account of the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II, the harmonious sounds of Nu Beginning and the artisitic talent of Neville Murray.

Mar 18, 2004

Premier cancer research fund-raising event to be held June 5

Ty England to be featured at 2004 Cattlemen’s Ball Country music artist Ty England will be featured at the 2004 Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska on Saturday, June 5, at the Upper 84 Ranch near Brady, Neb. England started his solo career in 1995, but he may be best known as Garth Brooks’ touring guitarist. Since […]

Mar 15, 2004

Fulbright scholar enhances training in Jordan

Laeth Nasir, M.D., associate professor in the department of family medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, was awarded a 2003-2004 Fulbright scholar grant. Since August 2003, Dr. Nasir has been a scholar in residence teaching and practicing family medicine at the University of Jordan where he will serve for a year. In February, he was joined by Marc Tompkins, a fourth-year medical student at UNMC, who will serve a rotation in family and internal medicine under Dr. Nasir.

Mar 9, 2004

UNMC Primary Care Day to Educate Medical Students About Need for Primary Care Physicians

University of Nebraska Medical Center medical students will host National Primary Care Day Thursday, Oct. 2, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The purpose of the fourth annual event is to educate first- and second-year UNMC medical students on the fields of primary care and encourage students to choose primary care as a practice. Primary […]

Mar 6, 2004

UNMC second quarter research grants total $9.7 million

UNMC received $9.7 million in federal research grants during the second quarter of fiscal year 2003-2004. The second quarter included the months of October, November and December.

Mar 1, 2004

UNMC Second Quarter Research Grants Total $9.7 Million

The University of Nebraska Medical Center received $9.7 million in federal research grants during the second quarter of fiscal year 2003-2004. The second quarter included the months of October, November and December. As of February 2004, the universitys annual funding from the National Institutes of Health is $44.3 million, said Thomas Rosenquist, Ph.D., vice chancellor […]

Mar 1, 2004

Regents approve purchase of dental simulators, chairs

The Board of Regents today approved the purchase of new simulation lab equipment and dental chairs at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry for $2.5 million. This will enhance our clinical and pre-clinical education, said College of Dentistry Dean John W. Reinhardt, D.D.S. Our students already are skilled, but, with the simulation […]

Feb 28, 2004

UNMC creates Office of Post-Doctoral Education

In February 2003, Scientist journal published survey results that placed UNMC in the nation’s top 10 institutions for “Best Places to Work for Postdocs.” That reputation is about to get even better when the university opens the Office of Post-Doctoral Education – a new administrative department dedicated to the development and welfare of post-doctorate researchers.

Feb 27, 2004