UNMC Today

Smith to receive inaugural Sparks Award for public health excellence

A longtime leader in Nebraska public health will receive the first Robert D. Sparks, M.D., Award in Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Nebraska’s inaugural Public Health Day on Thursday, April 7.   Philip Smith, M.D., chief of infectious diseases at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, will receive the Sparks awards, […]

Apr 6, 2005

UNL, UNMC engineers, surgeons develop unique surgical tool

Contacts: Tom Simons, office of university communications, UNL (402) 472-8514, tsimons@unlnotes.unl.edu Tom O’Connor, UNMC Public Affairs, (402) 559-4690, toconnor@unmc.edu   Lincoln, Neb., April 1, 2005 — One of the problems with being an ergonomist is that one notices badly designed things and has an overwhelming urge to fix them.   At least, that’s how Susan […]

Apr 1, 2005

UNMC graduate programs advance in national rankings

The University of Nebraska Medical Center’s College of Medicine made significant gains in three major categories in this year’s U.S.News & World Report’s academic rankings.   For the first time, UNMC’s rural medicine program cracked the top 10 in the magazine’s “America’s Best Graduate School” guidebook. Two other College of Medicine programs also made significant […]

Apr 1, 2005

Susan Noble Walker, Ed.D., appointed as Dorothy Hodges Olson Chair in Nursing

University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Professor Susan Noble Walker, Ed.D., has been appointed as the Dorothy Hodges Olson Chair in Nursing, effective April 1. Dr. Walker is professor and chairperson of the UNMC College of Nursing Department of Gerontological, Psychosocial and Community Health Nursing.   The endowed chair position supports a distinguished […]

Mar 31, 2005

UNMC Eppley Cancer Center researcher receives $1.5 million from NCI for pancreatic cancer registry

Simon Sherman, Ph.D., director of Bioinformatics Shared Resources at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has received a $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for further development of the Pancreatic Cancer Collaborative Registry (PCCR) as well as biomedical computing tools for pancreatic cancer research.   Simon Sherman, Ph.D. The PCCR is […]

Mar 30, 2005

UNMC nursing faculty Lani Zimmerman, PhD., Ann Berger, Ph.D., appointed to Florence Niedfelt Professorship

Two University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing faculty members have been appointed to the Florence Niedfelt Professorship.   Lani Zimmerman, Ph.D., assistant dean and professor of nursing and Ann Berger, Ph.D, associate professor of nursing and advanced practice oncology nurse, have been appointed to the endowed, three-year appointment effective April 1. The professorship […]

Mar 30, 2005

UNMC faculty edit comprehensive neurology textbook

 Howard Gendelman, M.D.   Susan Swindells, M.D.wo University of Nebraska Medical Center researchers — Howard Gendelman, M.D., Larson Professor of Medicine and chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, and Susan Swindells, M.D., Terry K. Watanabe Distinguished Chair of HIV/AIDS Research and professor of medicine — are editors for the second edition of a landmark work, titled […]

Mar 29, 2005

UNMC oncologist, Dr. James Armitage, writes editorial for New England Journal of Medicine

 University of Nebraska Medical Center oncologist, James Armitage, M.D., the Joe Shapiro Professor of Medicine in the oncology/hematology section, wrote an editorial for the March 24 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.   Considered one of the leading experts in the world in lymphomas, Dr. Armitage was asked to review a French study […]

Mar 25, 2005

UNMC nursing dean, end-of-life care expert says communication about complementary, alternative medicine a must to prevent serious side effects

Because the use of complementary alternative medicine (CAM) is increasing, health professionals need to find ways to decrease the communication gap with patients who use it, Virginia Tilden, D.N.Sc., says. A lack of communication could reduce the effectiveness of prescription drugs and cause drug interactions with potentially serious side effects.   “Health professionals need to […]

Mar 25, 2005

Black history month program spotlights health disparities

The UNMC/The Nebraska Medical Center 2005 Black History Month program held last month featured two of Omaha’s authorities on African American health disparities. Their respective conversations covered the issue from a stark review of numbers to historical perspectives on community response.

Mar 24, 2005

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