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UNMC Today

Pressure ulcer expert Joyce Black, Ph.D., appointed president, National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel

Patients who are too sick, paralyzed, or so poorly nourished they can’t change positions in bed, are at increased risk for developing pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers – referred to commonly as pressure sores or bed sores – happen when the skin breaks down in certain areas after being in one position too long without shifting […]

Feb 2, 2006

Children’s Dental Day expected to draw 200 kids from 10 Nebraska communities

The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry is hosting its ninth annual Children’s Dental Day on Friday, Feb. 3. The college is located at 40th and Holdrege Streets in Lincoln.   More than 200 children from 10 communities are expected to attend with the first bus arriving at 8 a.m. and the last […]

Feb 2, 2006

UNMC announces new location, name change for South Omaha Clinic

The University of Nebraska Medical Center announced today that its South Omaha Neighborhood Association (SONA) clinic is moving into bigger space and changing its name. The move and name change will occur this week as the SONA Clinic at 31st & Q Streets will close its doors Feb. 1 and move all health care services five […]

Jan 31, 2006

Chadron student, Dan Connealy, sworn in as UNMC Student Senate president

Dan Connealy, a third-year medical student from Chadron, recently was sworn in as the 2006 University of Nebraska Medical Center Student Senate president. As president, he also will serve as the UNMC student representative on the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. “This is a very exciting time to be a student at UNMC,” Connealy […]

Jan 31, 2006

Childhood cancer survivor becomes 6th heart transplant recipient

As a child, 25-year-old Chris Collins won a hard fought battle with cancer.  Now, as an adult, the Council Bluffs, IA man is doing well in the days after receiving a new heart.   Collins was transplanted in the early morning hours of Thursday, January 26th at The Nebraska Medical Center.  His wait lasted less […]

Jan 30, 2006

Campus to celebrate Chinese New Year

Are you ready to party like it’s 4037? Well, according to the traditional Chinese calendar, that is what year it will be on Jan. 29. Click to learn more about the Chinese New Year and the on-campus activities.

Jan 27, 2006

UNMC College of Nursing in Scottsbluff to host open houses Feb. 14, March 14, April 11

The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing West Nebraska Division in Scottsbluff, will host open houses in February, March and April, for those interested in nursing careers, including high school students, college students and others with degrees who may be interested in nursing. It is also for nurses interested in pursuing advanced degrees. […]

Jan 24, 2006

UNMC participating in multi-center international study to promote earlier identification of type 1 diabetes, find new and better treatments

Preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes could prevent or delay blindness, heart disease, nerve and kidney disease. Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center are participating in the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet, a multi-center, international research study, with hopes of accomplishing just that. The study aims to prevent or delay the onset of […]

Jan 24, 2006

UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute invites public to participate in Feb. 19 ‘Walk & Roll for Disabilities’

The University of Nebraska Medical Center Munroe-Meyer Institute and the C. Louis Meyer Foundation, invites the public to participate in its second annual “Walk & Roll for Disabilities.” The event will be held inside Westroads Mall, 102nd & West Dodge Streets, on Sunday, Feb. 19.   Serving as honorary co-captains of the event will be Rep. Tom […]

Jan 23, 2006

Board of Regents approve completion of construction of Center for Health Science Education at UNMC

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents today approved the completion of construction of the Center for Health Science Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The Center for Health Science Education will be located on the northeast corner of the intersection of 42nd and Emile streets at the former site of the Computing […]

Jan 20, 2006