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UNMC Today

College of Medicine photo question — week 6

The UNMC campus continues its celebration of the College of Medicine’s 125th anniversary today with another historical photo question.

Jul 26, 2006

UNMC research funding hits record high

In a year in which many academic health science centers felt the sting of cutbacks in research funding from the National Institutes of Health, the University of Nebraska Medical Center had its greatest year ever, bringing in nearly $80 million during fiscal year 2005-06, an increase of nearly 10 percent over the previous year’s record […]

Jul 26, 2006

College of Medicine photo question — week 5 answer

Learn the answer to Wednesday’s College of Medicine historical photo question.

Jul 20, 2006

College of Medicine photo question — week 5

The UNMC campus continues its celebration of the College of Medicine’s 125th anniversary today with another historical photo question.

Jul 19, 2006

UNMC psychologist elected president of the National Council on Problem Gambling

Dennis McNeilly, S.J., Psy.D., a clinical geropsychologist and associate professor of psychiatry in the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry, has been elected to a one-year term as president for the National Council on Problem Gambling. Dr. McNeilly was elected at the NCPG’s 20th Annual Conference on Problem Gambling held in St. Paul, […]

Jul 19, 2006

Cancer survivor drives tractor across Iowa for cancer research

Editor’s Note: Log on to www.TractorRideAgainstCancer.com for more information. Bob Husz is available for interviews. (COUNCIL BLUFFS) – Cancer survivor Bob Husz is plowing ahead for a cure as he finalizes plans to drive his tractor along State Highway 92 to raise awareness and funding for cancer research. The week-long 270-mile journey, which will begin […]

Jul 17, 2006

College of Medicine photo question — week 4 answer

Learn the answer to Wednesday’s College of Medicine historical photo question.

Jul 13, 2006

New England Journal of Medicine hails health disparities book co-authored by UNMC physician

A book on health disparities co-authored by a University of Nebraska Medical Center physician received high marks in a book review published in the July 13 edition of The New England Journal of Medicine.   The book – “Multicultural Medicine and Health Disparities” – was written by Rubens Pamies, M.D., vice chancellor for academic affairs […]

Jul 13, 2006

College of Medicine photo question — week 4

The UNMC campus continues its celebration of the College of Medicine’s 125th anniversary today with another historical photo question.

Jul 12, 2006

UNMC geriatrician elected president of the American Geriatrics Society

Jane Potter, M.D., director of the geriatric medicine program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has been elected president of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), the nation’s top association of health specialists and researchers on the elderly.   Dr. Potter is chief of the Section of Geriatrics and Gerontology at UNMC and holds the […]

Jul 10, 2006