Selaba Travis

Poole Receives Eugene Kenney Memorial Fund for Asthma Research

Jill Poole, MD, associate professor, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Allergy, is the recipient of the Eugene Kenney Memorial Fund for Asthma Research for the 2017-2018 award.

Sep 21, 2017

Chatzizisis Co-PI on NU Collaborative Initiative Grant

Yiannis Chatzizisis, MD, PhD, associate professor, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, is co-PI for an awarded University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Seed Grant titled “Microscale Investigation of Mechanobiology of Atherosclerosis Using Novel Microfluidic Biochambers.”

Sep 20, 2017

Richards Invited Speaker

Sarah Richards, MD, assistant professor, Division of General Internal Medicine, was an invited speaker at the Optomizing the Inpatient Experience for Physicians & Patients: The Power of Communication Conference, which took place at Rush University Medical Center on Sept. 28 and 29. Her talk was titled “Communication Skills Training Using Simulation.”

Sep 20, 2017

New Nebraska Medical Director of Endoscopy

On July 1, Shailender Singh, MBBS, associate professor of medicine, became the Nebraska Medical Director of Endoscopy.

Sep 18, 2017

Service to National Board of Medical Examiners

Rachel Bonnema, MD and Gerald Moore, MD, were recognized by Dean Britigan for their service to the National Board of Medical Examiners.

Sep 18, 2017

UNMC’s Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductees

UNMC’s Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) held its annual Induction Ceremony in April. Shannon Boerner, MD, GHHS, chapter co-advisor gave the Welcome.

Sep 18, 2017

Faculty Mentoring Program & Mentoring Award Given

The department is delighted to congratulate an outstanding group of dedicated mentors and mentees for their participation in the new Faculty Mentoring Program 2016-17.We honored the participants at the Mentoring Faculty Recognition Luncheon in late August.

Sep 18, 2017

Drs. Sara May, Jill Poole and Shannon Boerner

Primary Care Exceeds Expectations on Quality Measures

Tanvir Hussain, MD, medical director of Enterprise Quality and Analytics and primary care provider at Midtown clinic, says that Nebraska Medicine – Primary Care has taken great strides in improving quality and outcomes through a strong focus on engaging all employees and providers who provide patient care.

Sep 12, 2017

Wigton Archives Dedicated at McGoogan Library

After decades of serving as the well-respected but “unofficial” historian for UNMC, Robert Wigton, M.D., became an official part of the university’s archives and the McGoogan Library of Medicine last week as the library cut the ribbon on the newly named Wigton History of Medicine Archives.

Sep 12, 2017

Anderson Elected Vice Chair for Faculty Council

Daniel Anderson, MD, PhD, associate professor, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, was elected as vice chair of Faculty Council for fiscal year 2017-18. He will also serve as vice chair of the General Faculty.

Sep 11, 2017