Lisa Spellman

Bobby Glickman, M.D., named 2003 House Officer of the Year in College of Medicine

Bobby Glickman, M.D., from the department of general surgery, has been selected as the 2003 House Officer of the Year in voting by students, house officers and faculty from UNMC’s College of Medicine.

Jul 9, 2003

Smith receives UNMC College of Pharmacy Distinguished Alumnus Award

At an early age, Joe Smith, R.Ph., decided that he wanted to pursue a career as a pharmacist. Born in Auburn, Neb., Smith grew up about 35 miles from Lincoln, in Weeping Water, and, at age 10, began working as a “soda jerk” at a pharmacy owned by the Wallick family. Some of his summers also were spent working at Broadway Drug in Boise, Idaho, which was owned by his uncle, Lon Davis.

Jun 26, 2003

Molecular fingerprint predicts HIV-Associated Dementia

A research partnership between UNMC and the University of Puerto Rico has resulted in findings that might eventually lead to the use of a blood test to determine if HIV patients have HIV-associated dementia (HAD). The research is reported in the June 24 issue of Neurology, a leading scientific journal in the neurology field.

Jun 24, 2003

UNMC receives grant to improve community health

The Association of Academic Health Centers, through its American Network of Health Promoting Universities, has announced awards of $20,000 to four of its member institutions, including UNMC, for planning grants to convene community stakeholders to improve the health of local communities. The grant recipients, selected by an external review committee, also include Duke University Health System, New York Medical College and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

Jun 20, 2003

‘Community Health Line’ radio program now available online

Archived editions of “Community Health Line,” a UNMC radio program which airs each Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to noon on KIOS-FM (91.5), can now be heard via the Internet on UNMC’s News and Information site.

Jun 18, 2003

UNMC/Creighton Joint Neurology Residency Program holds annual awards ceremony

Neurologists and neurosurgeons from the community and members of UNMC’s department of neurological sciences and Creighton University Medical Center’s department of neurology gathered at The Champions Club June 5 for the UNMC/CU Joint Neurology Residency Program’s second annual graduation and educational evening.

Jun 13, 2003

Internal Medicine announces annual research awards

Five University of Nebraska Medical Center researchers will receive this year’s Internal Medicine Research Awards for outstanding achievements and research accomplishments. The research awards will be presented at a special internal medicine grand rounds on Friday, June 13, at the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater.

Jun 10, 2003

New document makes reporting inventions easier for UNMC personnel

The UNMC Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has designed a New Invention Notification Form, which makes it easier for UNMC faculty and staff to report their inventions to the IPO.

Jun 3, 2003

Department of ophthalmology presents annual Gifford-Truhlsen Alumni and Residents Day

The UNMC department of ophthalmology will serve as host to its annual Gifford-Truhlsen Alumni and Residents Day on Friday, May 30, at the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater.
(Click on headline for a complete schedule).

May 28, 2003

Dr. Lily Chang receives 2003 Preceptor of the Year award

Chia L. (Lily) Chang, Pharm.D., has been selected as the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy 2003 Preceptor of the Year.

Dr. Chang, a clinical pharmacist in the Nebraska Health System Family Medicine Clinic, was selected for the award by a vote of the graduating senior class. The award recognizes the commitment, dedication and teaching excellence demonstrated by a volunteer faculty member in an experiential clerkship.

May 23, 2003