Lisa Spellman

20th annual state science meet draws 59 students from across Nebraska

Fifty-nine eighth-grade students from 23 schools across Nebraska attended UNMC’s 20th annual State Science Meet June 7-9, for an educational and fun experience.

Jun 8, 2012

Human research subjects topic of June 5 Science Cafe

Medical research on humans is the topic of the next Omaha Science Cafe on June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St.

May 31, 2012

Panhandle youth to receive free dental care

Faculty and staff from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry will return to the Nebraska Panhandle June 1 and 2 to offer dental services, at no cost, to children in the region.

May 25, 2012

Two UNMC scientists honored for research related to aging

Two University of Nebraska Medical Center scientists were honored recently for their research into Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions related to aging.

May 23, 2012

47 Students to Graduate from UNMC High School Alliance

Forty-seven high school students from 10 metro-area school districts and 19 high schools will graduate from the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s High School Alliance program on Tuesday, May 22.

May 18, 2012

UNMC College of Dentistry offers free seminar to dentists and dental hygienists

UNMC College of Dentistry offers free seminar to dentists and dental hygienists May 7-10. Will visit Ashland, Grand Island, North Platte and Scottsbluff

May 3, 2012

So that others may live: perspectives on suicide prevention

Suicide prevention is the focus of the next Science Cafe May 1 at the Slowdown

Apr 25, 2012

One UNMC researcher’s battle against lupus gets help from $1.5 million NIH grant

One UNMC researcher’s battle against lupus gets help from $1.5 million NIH grant

Apr 25, 2012

UNMC charity bike ride April 14 to provide vision relief in Haiti

Bike for Sight to support charity cataract camp in Cap Haitian, Haiti in May.

Apr 11, 2012

Environmental hazards are focus of April 10 Science Cafe in Gering, Neb.

Environmental hazards are focus of April 10 Science Cafe in Gering, Neb.

Apr 6, 2012

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