Sophia Ibrahimi

News briefs

Rod Markin, M.D., Ph.D., chief technology officer and associate vice chancellor for business development, has been named to the board of directors of Trovagene, Inc., a developer of cell-free molecular diagnostics headquartered in San Diego.

Mar 14, 2014

Rod Markin, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Britigan’s update on the clinical enterprise

We are pleased to announce that this was our third straight month of high volumes across the clinical enterprise. With nearly every bed full and clinics also very busy, we want to recognize your commitment to doing the most we can to serve our community.

Mar 14, 2014

Forums scheduled to address accreditation

All College of Medicine faculty, staff and students are encouraged to provide input at forums that have been scheduled over the next two weeks.

These forums will address the college’s recent accreditation notification. They are distinct from other forums that have been scheduled regarding the clinical enterprise.

Mar 14, 2014

LCME accredits College of Medicine, with areas in need of improvement noted

The College of Medicine was notified earlier this month that it will continue to be fully accredited, with some areas that need additional attention.

Mar 14, 2014

Brad Britigan, M.D.

Harvard Medical School physician-scientist named to key UNMC cancer post

Sarah Thayer, M.D., Ph.D., an internationally recognized physician-scientist from Harvard Medical School, will be joining the University of Nebraska Medical Center to lead cancer surgery efforts and have a significant leadership role in the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Mar 14, 2014

Sarah Thayer, M.D., Ph.D.

College of Medicine Student of the Month – Amanda Dimmitt, fourth-year student

Editor’s Note: Each month, InterCOM will highlight a “Student of the Month” from the College of Medicine. Students will be featured for their participation in activities outside of medical school and for making a difference in the community. The goal is to recognize students for what they are doing and to encourage other students to get involved in the community. After all, medical school should be much more than studying.

Mar 14, 2014

Amanda Dimmitt

Industry-sponsored grants

Wally Thoreson, Ph.D., ophthalmology & visual science, has received a Research to Prevent Blindness Senior Scientific Investigator Award. Restricted to one applicant per institution annually, candidates are recognized national leaders actively engaged in eye research.

Mar 14, 2014

Wally Thoreson, Ph.D.

UNMC lands two top 10 rankings in U.S. News & World Report

UNMC is ranked in the top 10 in two areas in the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings of the nation’s top graduate schools.

UNMC remains the sixth-ranked primary care medical program in the United States, tied with the University of Minnesota. In addition, UNMC tied for ninth in the list of top rural medicine programs.

Mar 14, 2014

Research highlights

UNMC College of Medicine faculty received seven awards during the month of January, representing nearly $1.3 million in new funding to UNMC.

Tammy Kielian, Ph.D., pathology & microbiology, has received a National Institutes of Health award for $750,000 from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Juvenile Batten disease is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder marked by progressive neurological damage ultimately leading to cognitive decline and premature death. Dr. Kielian will build on her earlier laboratory studies which suggest that aberrant glial activation in the early stages of Juvenile Batten disease may contribute to neuronal loss. She hopes to delay disease progression by targeting this activation with compounds that affect multiple pathways of aberrant glial activation in this pre-clinical trial.

Mar 14, 2014

Tammy Kielian, Ph.D.

Howard Fox, M.D., Ph.D., is UNMC’s eighth scientist laureate

Howard Fox, M.D., Ph.D., has been named the eighth Scientist Laureate for the UNMC. The award is the highest honor UNMC bestows to researchers.

Mar 14, 2014

Howard Fox, M.D., Ph.D.
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