Karen Burbach
Neurobiologist to lead SAHP physical therapy department
Jack Turman Jr., Ph.D., an internationally recognized developmental neurobiologist, has been named director of physical therapy (PT) education in the School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) at UNMC, effective July 1.
Jun 30, 2010
Learn about landscapes the Age of Impressionism
Learn about landscape paintings from the Age of Impressionism during a Joslyn Museum event on the UNMC campus on July 13.
Jun 30, 2010
Earmark funding opportunities workshop today
UNMC faculty, researchers and administrators interested in congressionally-directed funding and the best avenues to secure it are encouraged to attend today’s workshop at noon in the Durham Research Center, Room 1004.
Jun 29, 2010
A note for all purchasing cardholders
The bank for the University of Nebraska’s purchasing cards (P-Card) will change on Aug. 30 from US Bank to UMB Bank.
Jun 29, 2010
A note about free text messages and Verizon accounts
New information regarding UNMC’s agreement with Verizon.
Jun 28, 2010
New phone number for OUCH program
Heath-care workers with UNMC, The Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC Physicians are at risk of blood and body fluid exposures on a daily basis.
Jun 28, 2010
Employees who want to recognize friends, family and/or loved ones in the military in a July 2 UNMC Today item should submit information about the respective service members to today@unmc.edu by 5 p.m. on Monday.
Jun 25, 2010
Since UNMC launched its branding initiative last fall, UNMC’s secondary icon, has popped up all over campus.
Jun 25, 2010
UNMC study: Laparoscopy better, even for high-risk patients
Laparoscopic surgery trumps open operations in common procedures, even in high risk patients, a study performed by UNMC Center for Advanced Surgical Technology (CAST) shows.
Jun 24, 2010
Ten-digit dialing on local calls starts soon
As of Feb. 26, 2011, 10-digit dialing will be required to place local calls. You can begin 10-digit dialing for local calls on Saturday (June 26).
Jun 24, 2010