Karen Burbach
UNMC employees receive half day holiday on Dec. 24
Gov. Johanns has announced that all Nebraska state employees will have a half day holiday on Dec. 24 in conjunction with President Bush’s order that federal employees be “excused from duty for the last half of the scheduled workday” on Dec. 24.
In order to implement the governor’s order at UNMC, four hours will be considered paid administrative leave for all holiday eligible employees, and UNMC offices will be closed on the afternoon of Dec. 24.
Dec 23, 2002
Physicians receive Milagro Award
Four UNMC/NHS physicians received the prestigious Milagro Award last month from the Indian Chicano Health Center. They are Deb Romberger, M.D., pulmonary medicine, Jose Romero, M.D., pediatric infectious disease; John Spurzem, M.D., pulmonary medicine and Susanna Von Essen, M.D., pulmonary medicine and sleep disorders.
Five years ago the doctors created, and now operate, a tuberculosis clinic at the Indian Chicano Health Center — a clinic for prevention and treatment of the disease.
Dec 20, 2002
Patents showcase inventors’ works
UNMC recently acquired its sixth patent of the year, up from four last year. The latest, an invention by UNMC’s Thomas Rosenquist, Ph.D., vice chancellor for research, and Daniel Monaghan, Ph.D., professor of pharmacology, protects a method of screening drugs for preventing atherosclerosis.
Dec 19, 2002
UNeCard/Photo ID staff receives TEAM Award
The UNeCard/Photo I.D. Office recently received the UNMC Business and Finance department’s TEAM (Team Excellence and Merit) Award.
Dec 19, 2002
Japanese nanotechnology experts to visit UNMC
Japanese and UNMC experts on nanotechnology and its impact on drug delivery will be featured at a mini-symposium on Monday, Jan. 6, in the UNMC Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater.
Dec 18, 2002
Care and watering of passwords — a weekly HIPAA message
HIPAA, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” provides federal protection of patient health information. You will be receiving weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your job. Today’s HIPAA message addresses passwords and user IDs.
Dec 17, 2002
Davises honored as College of Medicine’s first ‘legacy family’
A family being honored as the College of Medicine’s first “legacy family” has service ties to the College that date back more than a century, before the College was part of the University of Nebraska system.
The Davis family — with three generations of physicians, including Byron Bennett Davis, M.D., Herbert Haywood Davis, M.D., and John Byron Davis, M.D. — is being honored as the College’s first “legacy family,” as part of the College’s 100th anniversary since becoming part of the University of Nebraska.
Dec 13, 2002
Three Nebraska state senators were on campus Wednesday to try their hand using UNMC’s computer-assisted surgical equipment, reading X-rays and diagnosing conditions through problem-based learning.
Dec 13, 2002
Holiday tea draws UNMC/NHS employees
UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and his wife, Beverly, greeted hundreds of UNMC/NHS employees Thursday during the annual Holiday Tea.
Dec 13, 2002
UNMC to hold campus blood drive Jan. 2
UNMC will host an extra blood drive on campus from 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 2, at the Center for Healthy Living.
Peter Pellerito, who organizes the campus blood drives, said that the extra blood drive was scheduled in response to a request from the Red Cross and with the consent of NHS. The NHS blood drive that is set for Jan. 22 will take place as scheduled.See story for more details.
Dec 12, 2002