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Karen Burbach

University president announces he’ll step down next year

University of Nebraska President L. Dennis Smith, Ph.D., announced today that he will step down from his position on June 30, 2004.

Sep 8, 2003

Former UNMC human resource director, Geoff Brown, dies

Geoff Brown of Omaha, former UNMC human resource director, died Sept. 3, after a short battle with cancer. He was 59.

Sep 5, 2003

UNMC policy, procedure update

To coordinate distribution of UNMC policies in the most cost effective manner, hardcopies of UNMC policies and/or policy manuals will no longer be issued. All UNMC policies, either in draft revision or final form, are available on the UNMC Policy Homepage.

Sep 4, 2003

Dr. Shull to chair genetics, cell biology and anatomy

James Shull, Ph.D., a professor at UNMC’s Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, has been named chairman of UNMC’s department of genetics, cell biology and anatomy. He assumed the post Sept. 1.

Sep 3, 2003

SAP employee self-service available this fall

Employee Self-Service through SAP will be available this fall for all benefits-eligible employees. SAP ESS is a new Web application, which allows employees to interact with their own SAP data, such as pay advices and current benefits options.

Sep 2, 2003

Maybank named associate to the NU president

University of Nebraska President L. Dennis Smith, Ph.D., has announced the appointment of Dr. Denise B. Maybank as associate to the president. She will focus on diversity and equity issues within the university. Dr. Maybank has been director of multicultural affairs at the University of Nebraska at Omaha since July 2001.

Sep 2, 2003

‘Re-run’ of budget form training set for Sept. 11

The hosts of the recent “Everybody Loves the New UNMC Budget Form” training session are featuring a “re-run” from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 11, for those who missed the first training opportunity or feel they could benefit from another session.

Aug 29, 2003

CDC officials praise bioterrorism prepardness efforts of university, state

Plaudits were abundant as two CDC officials concluded their two-day visit on Wednesday to learn more about Nebraska’s bioterrorism preparedness efforts.

Aug 28, 2003

UNMC students receive Friedlander scholarships

Three UNMC students — Amanda Kent, Stacy Kortan and Emily Salstrand — have been selected as recipients of the 2003-2004 Alice Friedlander Scholarships.

Aug 27, 2003

Incoming students receive white coats

First-year students in UNMC’s College of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Medicine recently participated in white coat ceremonies, which symbolize the students’ entry into their respective health profession.

Aug 26, 2003