Karen Burbach

Dr. Larsen teaches by example

Paul Larsen, M.D., believes excellent medical teachers first must be excellent physicians who practice medicine worthy of emulation. Dr. Larsen is both, serving as a mentor who teaches foremost by example. The UNMC physician educator has received the University of Nebraska’s Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA) for his excellence and creativity in teaching.

Apr 16, 2007

Service Award Dinner invitations coming out soon

On April 30, all office-service, managerial-professional and administrative employees (non faculty) who have a length of service in 5-years increments (5, 10, 15, etc.) will receive an invitation via mail to the UNMC Service Awards Dinner.

Apr 16, 2007

William Penry to receive Star of Courage

Cancer survivors amaze and they inspire. The Nebraska Medical Center will honor their determination and spirit at “A Celebration of Courage — An Evening for Cancer Survivors” on May 2 at the Holland Performing Arts Center in Omaha.

Apr 13, 2007

Donations accepted April 16-27 for military care packages

In conjunction with National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (April 22-28), the Clinical Laboratory Professionals of UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center are sending care packages to military troops.

Apr 12, 2007

Harman lecture today at noon

Pulitzer-Prize winning author, Robert Neil Butler, M.D., will present the 2007 Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D., Lectureship in Biomedical Gerontology today at noon in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater.

Apr 12, 2007

Blogging from the chancellor’s retreat

UNMC Today will be blogging from the Chancellor’s Strategic Planning Retreat today. Check the Chancellor’s Blog on the UNMC Web site throughout the day for updates from the retreat.

Apr 12, 2007

Catering department accepting standing orders

In an effort to serve you efficiently, The Nebraska Medical Center Catering Department is now accepting “Standing Order Requests” for the July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 calendar year.

Apr 11, 2007

AIA lecture tonight in the Durham Research Center

Richard Jackson, M.D., a professor from California-Berkley, will show how the shaping of society’s built environments contributes to people’s well being during a lecture at UNMC tonight.

Apr 11, 2007

Maurers host alumni gathering in the ‘Sunshine State’

Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and his wife, Beverly, hosted the first ever UNMC alumni event in Florida late last month.

Apr 11, 2007

Avian flu education — human detection

How is avian influenza detected in humans?

Apr 10, 2007