Karen Burbach

Chamber music on tap for ‘Music as Medicine’ concert

A dose of chamber music will be ordered up today at noon in the Durham Outpatient Center’s West Atrium as the Omaha Chamber Music Society Amphion Ensemble presents “A Program of Music for Woodwind Quartet.”

Apr 19, 2007

Dr. Kabanov receives NU’s research and creativity award

Someone unfamiliar with Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov’s research could surmise the vastness of its impact by looking only at the origination points of his award nomination’s supporting letters: Tokyo, Japan; Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom; Chapel Hill, N.C.; San Francisco, Calif.; and Cambridge, Mass. Take a closer look at those letters and the other nomination materials for Dr. Kabanov, and it’s easy to understand why the expert in nanomedicine and drug delivery is the recipient of this year’s Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award (ORCA), given annually by the University of Nebraska.

Apr 19, 2007

Kaleidoscope fund-raiser brings neurological center into focus

Fun, food and festivities translated into big fund-raising at this year’s Kaleidoscope, an annual event sponsored by the University Hospital Auxiliary to raise money for programs that support and benefit patients and families at The Nebraska Medical Center.

Apr 19, 2007

Students present Dr. Vennerstrom with Alvin Earle Award

Jonathan Vennerstrom, Ph.D., knows medicinal chemistry isn’t easy. But, he’s committed to making sure students learn the material. Recently, UNMC students applauded the professor of pharmaceutical sciences in UNMC’s College of Pharmacy by presenting him the 2006 Alvin M. Earle Outstanding Health Sciences Educator Award.

Apr 18, 2007

Blogs feature world records, ice skating and Kenny Chesney

Blogs from UNMC’s Jim Sorrell, M.D., after winning a national powerlifting championship, Paula Turpen, Ph.D., reflecting on her experience at the Adult National Figure Skating Championships and Alumni Affairs’ Lenal Bottoms after meeting the man of her dreams — country superstar Kenny Chesney — are among the recently added entries on UNMC Blog Talk page.

Apr 18, 2007

McGoogan activities highlight National Library Week

UNMC’s McGoogan Library of Medicine has lined up several events in conjunction with National Library Week, which is April 15-21. The theme this year’s library week is “Come Together @ Your Library.”

Apr 17, 2007

Dr. Hinrichs named inaugural NU IDEA recipient

The effort needed to achieve great results in research and outreach, says Steven Hinrichs, M.D., is more analogous to the teamwork of producing a movie than it is to an individual completing a piece of artwork. That’s the humble North Dakota native’s way of saying that he doesn’t deserve all of the credit for the accomplishments that have earned him the University of Nebraska’s inaugural Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurship Award (IDEA).

Apr 17, 2007

State senators tour UNMC

Several state senators and guests toured the campus and dined at UNMC on Monday night as part of the medical center’s first ever dinner for Nebraska lawmakers. Some lawmakers took the time to blog about their visit to the medical center.

Apr 17, 2007

Dr. Larsen teaches by example

Paul Larsen, M.D., believes excellent medical teachers first must be excellent physicians who practice medicine worthy of emulation. Dr. Larsen is both, serving as a mentor who teaches foremost by example. The UNMC physician educator has received the University of Nebraska’s Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA) for his excellence and creativity in teaching.

Apr 16, 2007