Karen Burbach

Clothing drive to benefit hospital patients

A clothing drive to benefit patients at UNMC’s hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, will be held Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. outside of CornerStone Gift Shop in the University Tower Atrium.

Jan 6, 2009

Spotlight on new faculty – meet Phillip Jones, M.D.

Phillip Jones, M.D., instructor of emergency medicine, is among the many new faculty members at UNMC.

Jan 6, 2009

New invention brings success to lifestyle behavior modification

It’s that time of year again, the dreaded New Year’s Resolution. Will you have success this year?

Jan 5, 2009

Spotlight on new faculty – meet Thomas Spiegel, M.D.

Thomas Spiegel, M.D., instructor of emergency medicine, is among the many new faculty members at UNMC.

Dec 29, 2008

Wellness Wednesday — The poison center on holiday hazards

The holiday season is a time for celebration and happiness. However, the combination of excited children and hurried parents may turn a safe home into a likely site for a poisoning.

Dec 24, 2008

Reminder that UNMC offices will be closed Friday

This is a reminder that UNMC offices will be closed Friday.

Dec 23, 2008

Spotlight on new faculty – meet Lori Asher, M.D.

Lori Asher, M.D., instructor of emergency medicine, is among the many new faculty members at UNMC

Dec 22, 2008

Dr. Harman named an AAAS fellow

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Washington has honored UNMC’s Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D., as an AAAS fellow. Election as a fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers for their efforts to advance science.

Dec 19, 2008

Latest Silver ‘U’ recipients announced

To find out this month’s recipients of the Chancellor’s Silver ‘U’ Award click on Reward and Recognition (the left hand side of UNMC Today) and scroll to the Silver ‘U’ section.

Dec 19, 2008

Slots remain for Monday blood drive

A few donation slots remain open for UNMC’s holiday blood drive, which will be held Monday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Center for Healthy Living in the Student Life Center.

Dec 19, 2008

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