Karen Burbach
A note concerning seasonal flu vaccine shortages
A shift in focus by manufacturers to develop a vaccine for the novel H1N1 influenza has slowed the production and delivery of the seasonal vaccine and created a temporary shortage.
Oct 1, 2009
Lookin’ at U – Melanie Stewart
Quick, think of five things others should know about you. That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.” This week, we feature Melanie Stewart, manager of research resources in the two Durham Research Center towers, for the office of Vice Chancellor for Research.
Oct 1, 2009
UNeMed to present Innovation Awards today
UNeMed — the technology commercialization arm for UNMC — will recognize 141 individuals for their new inventions, patents and licensed technology at the 2009 Research Innovation Awards today at 4 p.m. in the Durham Research Center Auditorium.
Oct 1, 2009
UNMC was one of more than 70 institutions in the U.S. and Canada to take part in the inaugural National Postdoc Appreciation Day on Sept. 24.
Sep 30, 2009
United Way campaign starts Monday
The 2009 UNMC United Way campaign kicks off Monday (Oct. 5).
Sep 29, 2009
A note on new HIPAA rules regarding privacy violations
The first of several new HIPAA rules went into effect Sept. 23 that require patient and Health and Human Services notification following the discovery of a breach of unsecured protected health information (PHI).
Sep 29, 2009
Dr. Maurer named to AAHC board
UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., has been elected to the Association of Academic Health Centers’ (AAHC) Board of Directors.
Sep 28, 2009
About an H1N1 vaccination e-mail hoax
UNMC infectious diseases specialist Mark Rupp, M.D., responds to hoax e-mail that warns people not to get the H1N1 vaccination.
Sep 28, 2009
Seasonal flu shots still available to employees
UNMC, The Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC Physicians employees can still receive free seasonal flu shots clinics held on campus during the next two weeks.
Sep 28, 2009
National campaign touts importance of medical research
Medical research is the start of hope. Now, a national campaign raises awareness of the critical need for sustained, real growth in federal funding for medical research.
Sep 25, 2009