Danielle Thies
Mahmudul Hasan interns at Moderna
Mahmudul Hasan, who goes by “Hasan”, had the opportunity to intern at the newly created Moderna Genomics Division from mid-September to mid-December 2021. He is a 4th-year UNMC graduate student in the department of pharmaceutical sciences.
Mar 28, 2022

The Story of Sieu Mei Tu
Sieu Mei Tu
A remarkable woman, a remarkable mother, and a remarkable journey.
Mar 16, 2022

Introducing UNMC Student Senate Global Engagement Liaison Rev. Ben McIntire
Rev. Ben McIntire, a third-year medical student, is the current UNMC Student Senate Global Engagement Liaison. McIntire, from Harlan, Iowa, has a bachelor of science degree in marketing from Iowa State University and a masters of divinity from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. He was ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in 2009 and has served in Lutheran congregations around Western Iowa for the past ten years. His career goals are to work in emergency medicine and medical ministries in Tanzania.
Jan 6, 2022

The Office of Global Engagement Sponsors the ninth Annual Arab Health Summit
The summit was held virtually on Oct. 19-21, 2021, and was hosted by ACCESS, the nation’s largest Arab American community nonprofit. The conference focused on promoting discussions on health rights, public health research, community engagement and more, among speakers and attendees representing the United States and several Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries.
Dec 28, 2021

Dr. Davies speaks at international forum
On October 12, Dele Davies, MD, senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, spoke at the World University Presidents’ Forum on Medical Sciences hosted by Shandong University in China.
Oct 22, 2021

International students share their stories
UNMC international students play an integral part in the global ambassador program. A global ambassador acts as a primary source of practical information to help the new-to-the-US international student settle into their new community. A current student is matched with one or two incoming students, depending on how many students sign up for the program. Without current students volunteering to help the incoming student transition to UNMC, the program would not be successful.
Sep 30, 2021

UNMC summer program for international physical therapy students goes virtual
In prior summers, this course was offered on-campus at UNMC but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s course was offered as a three-week online summer program from July 12-30, 2021. More students were able to join this program from the comfort of their homes than had previously come to Omaha in years past. The 2021 course welcomed 24 SEED students from six different universities in China and Taiwan.
Sep 15, 2021

The OGE welcomes six Fulbright scholars from Jordan
The OGE was proud to welcome six Fulbright scholars from Jordan this month who are here for the UNMC Fulbright Faculty Development Program. This UNMC Fulbright Faculty Development Program focuses on One Health and will last for 10 weeks from June 20 through August 31.
Jun 23, 2021

The Student Alliance for Global Health (SAGH) 25th Anniversary
The UNMC Student Alliance for Global Health (SAGH) is proudly celebrating its 25th anniversary. To mark this special occasion, this year, the SAGH Board arranged a speaker series for the entire UNMC community from March 22-26.
Mar 29, 2021

My UNMC Journey: Bo Chao grows professionally and personally at COD
Bo Chao was finishing her third year of her master’s program in dentistry at Jilin University in Changchun, China, when she decided she wanted to see the world and experience a different culture while improving her dentistry skills. “I applied to the China Scholarship Council (CSC) program and felt lucky to get an interview at the UNMC College of Dentistry. I was impressed by the college’s dental program and their focus on hands-on learning,” Bo said. “I was excited that the college provided ample hands-on training in patient care, which is the main difference between my dental education at UNMC versus my dental education in China.”
Mar 29, 2021