Tom O'Connor
UNMC receives $1.3 million gift for macular degeneration, regenerative medicine
Estate gift from Holdrege couple, Mary and Roy Pearson, brings their total university donations to nearly $2.7 million
Dec 18, 2014

UNMC professor receives prestigious lifetime achievement award
Association of Public Health Laboratories honors Steven Hinrichs, M.D.
Dec 11, 2014

UNMC tabs Aileen Warren as director of human resources
Also will serve as assistant vice chancellor for business and finance
Dec 5, 2014

Five cancer researchers recruited to Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
Bring more than $5 million in research funding with them
Dec 3, 2014

Dr. Denham Harman – legendary scientist – dies at age 98
Discovered Free Radical Theory of Aging and importance of antioxidants in slowing aging
Nov 25, 2014

UNMC expert in cancer education named to key national post
Dr. Amr Soliman named president-elect of American Association for Cancer Education
Nov 21, 2014

UNMC develops clinical/academic affiliation with Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital
Nebraska Medicine also involved as new residency program, academic department are planned
Nov 13, 2014

UNMC studying new drug for people with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease
One of 50 U.S. centers participating in NOBLE Study
Nov 10, 2014

‘Baking war’ hopes to produce 190 fleece blankets for needy children
UNMC College of Nursing sponsors Nov. 11 event as part of Project Linus
Nov 7, 2014
Fred Paustian, M.D., pioneering gastroenterologist at UNMC, dies at age 87
Credited with turning gastroenterology into one of UNMC’s centers of excellence
Nov 5, 2014