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Tom O'Connor

Time out with T.O. – The teacher

Emergency medicine residency program director is recognized for her contributions to UNMC’s graduate medical education

Jul 23, 2019

Claudia Barthold, MD

Time out with T.O. – A unique life’s journey

Hard work, blue-collar roots play key role in molding the life of UNMC’s top resident award winner

Jul 23, 2019

Joel Michalski, MD, PhD

UNMC receives $3.7 million grant to address shortage of geriatricians

By 2025, an estimated deficit of 27,000 geriatricians will affect baby boomers

Jul 22, 2019

Jane Potter, M.D.

New faculty

A total of 58 new faculty members have joined the College of Medicine. The new faculty members include one professor/department chair, two associate professors, 30 assistant professors and 25 instructors.

Jul 17, 2019

Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD, is  professor and chair of the UNMC Department of Neurosurgery.

Coming events

Opening ceremony for the House Officers Wellness Lounge on July 23 will mark major enhancement of clinical learning environment at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine.

Jul 17, 2019

The UNMC/Nebraska Medicine campus is invited to attend the opening ceremony for the House Officers Wellness Lounge at 5 p.m. on July 23 in the Yanney Conference Room on the first floor of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

News briefs

Dr. Harris Frankel honored by national publication, while other UNMC faculty gaining notoriety this month include Drs. Kelly Caverzagie, Sharon Hammer and Jasmine Marcelin.

Jul 17, 2019

Harris Frankel, MD, was recognized for the fourth consecutive year by Becker's Hospital Review in its top 100 hospital and health system chief medical officers.

Research highlights

College of Medicine faculty bring in 17 grants totaling $3.5 million in new research funding

Jul 16, 2019

The UNMC team members trying to design better stents include: Front row (left to right) Alireza Karimi, Ph.D., Julia lee, Yiannis Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D., and Natalia Georgantzoglou, M.D. Back row - Shijia Zhao, Ph.D., Mohammed Riaz Ur Rehman, Martin Liu, M.D., Ph.D., and Wei Wu, Ph.D.

Featured videos

Ask UNMC Sarah Holstein, MD, PhD,  discusses what the symptoms of multiple myeloma are. Watch video   Nebraska Medicine video Surviving a Stroke: Penny’s Story    

Jul 16, 2019

COM student of the month

Third-year medical student has a passion for running, music and video games.

Jul 16, 2019

COM employee of the month

Longtime convenience store employee in Sorrell Center helps people in need of food, caffeine

Jul 16, 2019