Tom O'Connor
Department profile – Department of Radiology
The department includes a total of 79 and is chaired by Craig Walker, M.D., FACR, and recently announced several new clinical sites.
Jun 30, 2016

Jennifer Parker, M.D., associate professor, internal medicine and pediatrics, was awarded the Hirschmann Golden Apple for clinical faculty at the College of Medicine Hooding Ceremony on May 6. Dr. Parker has become known as the “Fun Friday” lecturer on the internal medicine clerkship.
Jun 30, 2016

UNMC seeks patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy for cannabidiol study
Legislative bill passed in 2015 provides $500,000 in state funding
Jun 29, 2016

New study sheds light on how some survive Ebola
3 UNMC faculty members are co-authors as finding points way to new approaches to Ebola treatment
Jun 29, 2016

UNMC seeks nominations for award to recognize significant health contributions
Nomination deadline is July 22 for J.G. (Jack) Elliott Award
Jun 23, 2016

A hoot of a time: Registration opens for July 16 Owl Ride
Annual night bicycle ride helps families with disabilities
Jun 22, 2016

Scottish Rite events will support Munroe-Meyer programs
June 24 golf outing, June 26 walk will benefit children with speech, language difficulties
Jun 16, 2016

UNMC College of Pharmacy lands $5.1 million in HIV research funding
Ranks among top 10 percent of all pharmacy colleges with nearly $9 million in total funding
Jun 6, 2016

Nebraska Science Festival activities stretch from Omaha to Scottsbluff
Nebraskans engage in 88 different events at 48 participating sites
Jun 2, 2016

Tickets on sale for Munroe-Meyer Garden Walk on June 12
7 gardens in Papillion area will be featured
Jun 1, 2016