Tom O'Connor

Coming events

Match Day could take on Irish theme with event slated for St. Patrick’s Day.

Feb 27, 2017

Walk and Roll for Disabilities.

UNMC is ‘Training the Physicians of Tomorrow’

College of Medicine launches a new website for its curriculum redesign.

Feb 27, 2017

News briefs

A record 640 skaters participated in the seventh annual UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s. The event raised more than $17,000.

Feb 27, 2017

Dr. Are named designated institutional official for UNMC College of Medicine

Will oversee all of UNMC’s residency, fellowship programs

Feb 9, 2017

Chandra Are, M.D.

Ebola grant expanded from $12 million to $24 million

Will allow creation of special pathogens research network, additional training

Feb 3, 2017

UNMC research team discovers novel pharmaceutic action for HIV/AIDS

Could allow patients to take multiple medications just once a month

Feb 1, 2017

The three lead researchers from the UNMC Department of Pharmacology/Experimental Neurosciences include (left-right): Howard Gendelman, M.D., professor and chair, Divya Prakash Gnanadhas, Ph.D., post-doctoral research associate, and Santhi Gorantla, Ph.D., associate professor.

Dr. Are named associate dean, designated institutional official for COM

As designated institutional official and associate dean for graduate medical education, Chandra Are, M.D., will oversee UNMC’s residency and fellowship programs.

Jan 30, 2017

COM employee Spotlight

Jodi Parrack, an administrator in the rheumatology division of internal medicine, says mentors have invested in her at UNMC and she hopes to pay that forward to her staff.

Jan 28, 2017

News briefs

Samuel Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., Havlik-Wall Professor of Oncology in the UNMC Department of Pathology and Microbiology, received the Ambassador Award from the Mid-Atlantic Society of Toxicology, and also was honored with the Distinguished Scientist Award from the American College of Toxicology.

Jan 28, 2017

Research highlights

UNMC College of Medicine faculty received 14 grant awards representing more than $5.3 million in new funding during the month of November, including $3.9 million to Matthew Rizzo, M.D., neurological sciences. The Institutional Development Award is UNMC’s largest grant.

Jan 28, 2017

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