Jo Giles

Telehealth goes mobile

Mobile nursing center uses technology to access UNMC specialists for rural patients.

Nov 6, 2012

Claudia Chaperon, Ph.D., and a patient consult with a specialist via the telehealth network from the mobile nurse clinic.

Finest Cancer Care

Grateful patient sees need for new cancer campus.

Sep 20, 2012

Team investigates deadliest cancer

Top researchers attack pancreatic cancer on different fronts.

Jul 27, 2012

From left: Tony Hollingsworth, Ph.D., Rakesh Singh, Ph.D., Surinder Batra, Ph.D., and Keith Johnson, Ph.D., tackle pancreatic cancer.

Hog dust + lungs = dangerous combination

New effort to keep farmers healthy.

Jul 9, 2012

Busting clots in children’s blood vessels

Breakthrough technique uses ultrasound and microbubble treatments.

Jul 9, 2012

Alien abduction or delirium in the ICU?

Nurse-led project aims to reduce cases of delirium in critical care units.

Jun 15, 2012

From left: Brad Matthiessen, respiratory
therapist; Dan Haskin, staff nurse; David
Gannon, M.D., Keith Olsen, Pharm.D., Michele
Balas, Ph.D., and Gregory Peitz, Pharm.D., model
the kind of interdisciplinary communication
needed to keep ICU delirium at bay.

Biobank: an investment in future treatments

New bank is designed to advance research potential.

Jun 15, 2012

From heart-break to hope: saving babies’ lives

An innovative community program delivers early learning solutions.

Jun 14, 2012

Connections team members want to reduce the infant mortality rate in Douglas County.

Filling the gaps in dental care

Extra hands, technology and funding bring dental care to children in rural communities.

May 12, 2012

Children across Nebraska will have greater access to dental care through two new grants totaling $3.5 million.

The Earlier, The Wordier

Early interventions can provide limitless options for kids with autism.

May 11, 2012

Five-year-old Trinity practices writing skills with her early intervention therapist.