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John Keenan

LiveGreen Scene: Prep your home for winter

Speaker to offer tips on winter energy efficiency.

Nov 4, 2014

Ebola the subject of tonight’s Omaha Science Cafe

Dean of the College of Public Health Ali Khan, M.D., M.P.H., will speak tonight at the Slowdown.

Nov 4, 2014

Ali Khan, M.D., M.P.H., dean of the UNMC College of Public Health

Matriculation ceremony welcomes new students

Chelsea Lyle and Logan Bulock knew each other before they got to the Graduate Studies Matriculation Ceremony on Aug. 20. They knew each other pretty well, in fact — the Minnesota natives are married. But their acquaintances at UNMC were fewer. Lyle, a Bethel University graduate who is entering the Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy […]

Nov 4, 2014

Logan Bulock and Chelsea Lyle attended the UNMC Office of Graduate Studies matriculation ceremony in August.

Mentors wanted — plenty of rewards

Megan Berens looked up to Corrine K. Hanson, Ph.D., almost as soon as she joined UNMC’s dietetic internship program. Hanson, an assistant professor of medical nutrition in the School of Allied Health Professions and an instructor for several of Berens’ courses, would share her experiences in the clinical field with the class. She would talk […]

Nov 4, 2014

Corri Hanson and Megan Berens

Video: New year, new apportunities at UNMC

This article was originally a direct-to-video link. To link to the video, click here.

Nov 4, 2014

SPORE renewal funds four projects

Pancreatic cancer research funded for next five years.

Nov 4, 2014

UNMC students aim to mentor high school students

In an auditorium in the Eppley Science Hall, high school students are sitting side-by-side with UNMC graduate, nursing, pharmacy and medical students. They’re sharing lunch and listening as, one after the other, graduate students stand up to discuss their academic path — for this presentation, the path that led them to research. UNMC students and […]

Nov 4, 2014

Mentor Michael Price, left, with High School Alliance student Emma Frerichs, at the recent Lunch and Learn.

International photography winners announced

Photos will be on display at International Week activities this week.

Nov 4, 2014

Top 7 pieces of bad advice for graduate students

Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies Pamela K. Carmines, Ph.D., compiled these seven dubious nuggets of “wisdom” that a graduate student is likely to encounter in the course of his or her career. 7. “Don’t have a baby while in graduate school, because having a child demonstrates lack of commitment to your career.” 6. “Avoid teaching […]

Nov 4, 2014

UNMC, Nebraska Med experts lead webinars on Ebola

Webinar series will begin Tuesday, run through November. Click headline for registration information.

Nov 3, 2014

Angela Hewlett, M.D., assistant professor, infectious diseases at the UNMC College of Medicine, and assistant medical director of the Biocontainment Unit, will deliver one in a series of webinars on Ebola that begins this week.