John Keenan

Fellowship director of the month, May 2023

Sara May, MD, founded the allergy and immunology fellowship program at UNMC.

May 2, 2023

Sarah May, MD

Program director’s message: Blazing trails

Rachel Ray is the Munroe-Meyer Institute-University of Nebraska at Omaha College Trailblazers program director. It was a crisp October morning in 1998 when I first walked into the Munroe-Meyer Institute with my husband and son. As we waited for my son’s specialized genetics clinic appointment, a man leaving his own appointment paused by my son. […]

May 2, 2023

Rachel Ray

Dean’s message: Accomplishments and challenges

In the wake of a heartwarming commencement, college and university leaders look to the future.

May 1, 2023

Study suggests new target for PTSD treatment

MMI’s Jenni Blackford, PhD, recently published results in the Journal of Traumatic Stress.

May 1, 2023

Jenni Blackford, PhD

Celebrating heroes at MMI on Superhero Day

MMI staff and clients donned costumes to celebrate the heroes in our lives.

May 1, 2023

Twila and Clint Monico, with father Nathan, marked Superhero Day at the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

MMI grant to focus on school mental health

Brandy Clarke, PhD, will lead $6 million, five-year effort to reach underserved students.

Apr 25, 2023

About 70% of schools indicate that the need for student mental health services has increased, yet there aren’t enough providers.

Tickets now available for Garden Walk

Event’s 54th year will feature five gardens and support innovative programming at the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Apr 24, 2023

Luann Rabe, president of the Munroe-Meyer Guild

Brandy Clarke, PhD, to lead psychology

Dr. Clarke will become director of the MMI Department of Psychology on July 1.

Apr 24, 2023

Brandy Clarke, PhD

Dr. De Alba named NHMA Physician of Year

Armando De Alba Rosales, MD, recognized by the National Hispanic Medical Association.

Apr 21, 2023

Armando De Alba Rosales, MD

COM employee of the month, May 2023

Gabby Jensen is an administrative associate in the UNMC Department of Dermatology.

Apr 17, 2023

Gabby Jensen